The Lightest Dark (The Dark series Book 1)

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Book: Read The Lightest Dark (The Dark series Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Avery Sweet
make out where we were. Try as I might it was impossible seeing as how he was moving too fast for me to see, let alone recognize anything around me. It wasn’t something I was used to and it was starting to grate at me a bit.
    It felt a bit like losing a part of yourself. You can function normally, but it’s not the same as when you had all your abilities operational and it gave you that edge. Or maybe it was more like when you have an itch on your nose and arms filled with important papers. Normally you can scratch that itch, but if you try and then lose all those papers...
    Surprisingly though, the wind wasn't biting into my skin the way it did when Tristan carried me. I had to wonder at why that was. Maybe it was a special ability, or something this guy had. Weird, but it made being carried this way a lot more pleasant, even if it was a demon carrying me.
    At least I was pretty sure a Hunter was a demon. Tristan had never actually said that it was. If it wasn’t that, it was going to raise a whole other pile of questions that I wasn’t sure I was ever going to get an answer to, especially with how this guy was responding. I pushed it out of my head bringing more important matters to the forefront, like what the heck was going on and where was he taking me?
    I debated speaking for a minute, or two and decided to just go for it. I needed to be bold for once, at least when it came to my own personal safety and not Ryan’s. That not to mention he said I couldn't scream, not that I couldn't speak.
    Not that it would do me any good at this point, but maybe he would actually answer this time. "Can I ask where you're taking me now, or maybe even why you're taking me?" My voice was surprisingly clear despite how fast we were going.
    I started to look up, when his deep voice stopped me again. "I wouldn't if I were you.” A shiver went down my spine at the taunt.
    No demon should sound so… appealing. Then again they were supposed to be able to tempt you to the dark side. I guess this was how some of them did that. By speaking with a voice that had you wanting to drop your panties, regardless of what he was saying, or even what he looks like, though I had a feeling he had a face to match if his body was anything to judge by.
    I shook my head to clear the thought, instead trying to get what he said to actually register with my brain. It took a second, but I got it and all it did was make me even more curious. "Why?" He didn't answer, instead I felt him shifting. He pulled me tighter to him, maneuvering me so that my face pressed into the crook of his neck.
    I shifted so that I could at least look behind us, even if I couldn’t make it out, when I suddenly felt my stomach jumping into my throat as I saw the world drop out from under me in reverse. Sounds as weird as it felt.
    I let out a strangled scream that was lost in the crook of the Hunter's throat as I hid my face, hoping he wasn't about to drop me into oblivion. I felt the wind catch his wings and suddenly we were soaring into the sky. Somehow I’d forgotten about those, but I was happy they were there now.
    Demon or not, he didn’t let me drop into the abyss so he couldn’t be all bad… at least I hoped not, otherwise I was in for a good deal more hell later and with how this morning was starting out, I wasn’t sure I could handle it to be honest. My bravado ended at standing up to idiots bothering Ryan and that wasn’t all too often if I’m honest.
    He let out a chuckle, "I warned you.” I stayed silent. My face stayed pressed into the crook of his neck though he didn't seem to mind. My pride left with that fall and as scared as I'd been, I wasn't sure actual words would come out of my mouth at this point anyway. Maybe he'd take it like I'm giving him the silent treatment now. If you’re going to dream you should dream big… or was it good?
    Anyway, we'd flown at a steady rate for what felt like twenty minutes when I finally gathered enough courage to look at

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