The Ledbury Lamplighters

Read The Ledbury Lamplighters for Free Online

Book: Read The Ledbury Lamplighters for Free Online
Authors: Kerry Tombs
opportunity, sir,’ suggested Crabb.
    â€˜I think our murderer must have slipped the poison into the glass before the lights went out. Everyone was far too occupied in watching the lights go out to see what he or she was up to. If the murderer had waited for the room to descend into absolute darkness he might not have been able to see what he was doing.’
    â€˜What happened afterwards, sir?’
    â€˜At first everyone was stunned by the event they had just witnessed. One or two people, including Doctor Andrews and myself, rushed forward to see if we could assist the poor man, but once it became apparent that nothing could be done for Montacute, one or two of the ladies screamed and fainted, and I could see that unless I took control of the situation straightaway a wholesale panic might have ensued. I therefore informed everyone who I was, and suggested that it would be better if they all returned to their homes as quickly as possible, with the exception of the Montacute family who were to remain. At first some of the people seemed reluctant to go and I’m afraid I had to apply a fairly strong tone of language to make sure they left. Then once Doctor Andrews had pronounced Montacute dead, I got the old man’s sons to take Mrs Montacute home and the undertakers to remove the body.’
    â€˜A busy night, sir,’ sympathized Crabb.
    â€˜Not the way I would have liked to have seen in the New Year,’ added Ravenscroft, replacing his spectacles on his nose.
    â€˜There will have to be an inquest,’ said Andrews, removing his thick-lensed spectacles and polishing them on a handkerchief.
    â€˜Almost certainly. Our task now, Crabb, is to discover who killed Montacute, and that’s where you might be able to help us, Doctor.’
    â€˜Anything. Just ask.’
    â€˜How long have you known the deceased and his family?’ asked Ravenscroft.
    â€˜I came to Ledbury when I completed my medical studies, somefour years ago, but I did not attend to the Montacute family until two or three years ago.’
    â€˜Oh, why was that, Doctor?’
    â€˜Old Doctor Fuller was the family doctor. It was only when he passed away that I was asked to take over the care of the family.’
    â€˜I see, Doctor. Please go on. What can you tell me about them?’ urged Ravenscroft.
    â€˜Well, there is – sorry, was – Nathaniel Montacute, the old man. He was the senior partner in Cocks and Biddulph, the principal bankers in the town. I believe they also have a branch in London as well. The business was apparently well established and the family was obviously very wealthy.’
    â€˜What kind of man was Montacute?’ asked Ravenscroft, leaning forward in his seat.
    The doctor thought deeply for a moment before answering. ‘He was a very much respected gentleman in the town, but I would say that while a great deal of that respect came from his position as the town’s banker, some of it also came out of fear.’
    â€˜Could you elaborate further, sir?’
    â€˜Montacute had been mayor of Ledbury on no less than two occasions. He was a local magistrate and served on a number of committees. I believe he had shares in a number of local companies and concerns, and owned a great deal of property in the town. It was generally said that he drove a hard bargain. It was known that those who had crossed him over the years had usually come off the worse for their encounter.’
    â€˜I see, Doctor,’ said Ravenscroft, looking across at Crabb. ‘Can you remember anyone in particular?’
    â€˜I suppose Catherwood is the name that immediately springs to mind. He lives alone in a rambling old house just outside Ledbury. Keeps very much to himself, somewhat of a recluse – but at one time he and Montacute were business partners together in a number of local concerns, until the two men fell out. All this happened, of course, before I came to the town, but they say that

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