The Law of Attraction
slow his breathing, forcing himself to relax. As his mind wandered he found himself thinking of Alec again, and inevitably those thoughts resulted in him getting hard.
    Might as well , he thought as he slipped his hand into his pants and gave his cock a squeeze. A satisfying wank would probably help him sleep. He couldn’t be bothered to power up his laptop again and look for some porn, so the memories of Alec would do nicely.
    Ed closed his eyes and thought of hard muscles and dark chest hair. He ran his free hand over his nipples and remembered how Alec’s chest had felt rubbing against his. He moved his hand faster over his prick, making sticky sounds. This wasn’t going to take long. He rolled onto his side, fucking into his hand as he imagined Alec’s cock between his thighs, his hands tight on Ed’s hips as he bit down on Ed’s neck.
    “Fuck!” Ed came with a groan, making a total mess of his sheet in the process as he failed to catch much of it. “Bollocks,” he muttered as his cock jerked again, and he squeezed out the last drops.
    After he’d mopped up the wet patch with a couple of tissues, Ed collapsed and fell into a blissfully dreamless sleep.

    Alec walked through the glass doors of Baker Wells into the lobby at seven thirty on Monday morning. They slid open as he passed through, out of the chill morning air and into the climate-controlled environment of the offices.
    It was one of the largest and most prestigious law firms in London, but all was quiet at this time of day. Alec was usually one of the first into work. He enjoyed the peace and quiet and the time to organise his thoughts before the office filled with his colleagues. He was a creature of habit and tended to arrive at the same time every day, coffee that he had picked up from the Starbucks on the corner in one hand and his briefcase in the other.
    He nodded good morning to the security guard and tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for the lift to take him up to the sixth floor. When the lift doors opened, Alec stepped out and padded quietly over plush carpets and along silent corridors until he reached the open-plan office space that he shared with his team. He took a seat at his desk, opened up his briefcase, peeled the protective lid carefully off his coffee—large, black, no sugar—and settled down to read through the files for the hotel deal they were currently working on.
    Several months of legwork were finally coming to a head, but they still had a lot of details to iron out. The next few weeks would be crucial, hopefully leading to a deal that both parties would be happy with. A large national hotel chain, based in London, was in the process of buying up a smaller, but very successful, chain in Scotland.
    Alec was the senior associate assigned to manage the deal. Although technically his boss, Katherine Parker, was in overall control and would oversee everything, Alec’s role was running this deal. He was the one coordinating the team, leading the negotiations, and he would be drafting the main purchase agreement. There was still a lot of work to be done, and now the negotiations were picking up pace, two extra people were joining the team today. Alec hoped they’d pull their weight; they’d need to. One of them was a man from within the firm called Jon Kingsland, whom Alec knew but hadn’t worked closely with before. He was a paralegal who had worked in Mergers and Acquisitions here at Baker Wells for a couple of years. The other was new, a recently qualified temp. Alec couldn’t recall his name—he wasn’t sure anyone had told him what it was yet. He hoped he wasn’t too wet behind the ears and would manage to make himself useful. They didn’t have time to babysit.
    “Good morning, Alec. Putting the rest of us to shame as usual, I see.” James Morgan, Associate, greeted Alec with a grin as he took his seat at his desk across the way.
    Alec had worked with James for almost

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