The Law and Dan Mesa

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Book: Read The Law and Dan Mesa for Free Online
Authors: Dan Sears
smiles and says, “Son it will all work out for you. Just trust in God and keep doing what is right. Jonathan, as you can see, I am only being a concerned friend.”
    “Nadia, the world needs more people like you. It would be a much better place to live. That is why I love you so much, my dear.”
    Agent Ortiz just smiles at Dan.
    “Dan,” he says, “you are a most fortunate man. Always remember that it is a fortunate man who has friends who worry about him.”
    The motley crew continues down the road.
    Meanwhile, back in Tucson, Carlos Meana is in conference with his people.
    “Amigos, I have news that Ranson is not dead and Ranger Daniel Mesa is transporting him back to Tucson. We know the route he is taking and that he is traveling by personal vehicle, an RV. Antonio, I want you to put together a group you can trust to get the job done. I want you to lead them and take care of Ranson and Ranger Daniel Mesa. I want Mesa dead.”
    Juan Reynosa, a member of Carlos’ group, says, “Señor Meana, killing Ranson is not a problem, but killing a ranger is a different story and especially Ranger Mesa. Mesa is a hard kill, and if we miss, you can be assured he will hunt us and kill us one by one. I want no part of killing Ranger Mesa.”
    Carlos is angry because of Juan’s remarks but knows that the others present feel the same. “Do I have cowards working with me? Must I do everything myself?”
    “Carlos,” Antonio says, “we are not afraid of Dan Mesa, but why ask for trouble we don’t need? You said yourself, you want to present a much cleaner and more positive image. Killing Mesa will work against everything you want to accomplish.”
    “Okay, Antonio, we’ll table that for now. Just kill or kidnap Ranson. Call your contact at ranger headquarters and find out for sure what route they are taking back to Tucson.
    In Tucson, a call is put through to Colonel Grant’s office and his secretary answers.
    “Ranger headquarters, Maria speaking.”
    “Maria, this is Antonio, and I need to know the route Ranger Mesa is taking to bring Ranson back to Tucson.”
    “Antonio, I can’t give you that information! If they find out I told you, they would send me to jail. I have already done too much. I am afraid all the time now. I can’t do what you ask.”
    “Listen to me, Maria, either you tell me what I want to know or I will fix it so your boss will find out everything. Señorita, what will it be?”
    “Antonio, I thought you cared about me, but all you want is information. This is the last time I do anything for you. Your threats will not scare me anymore. Ranger Mesa is leaving Virginia via I-85. He will connect to I-64 and then to I-40. That is all I know. Don’t ever call me again.”
    Antonio smiles to himself and thinks, It really doesn’t matter, because it is time for me to find a new job. Carlos is becoming overly ambitious, and it could spell his doom .
    In Wheeling, West Virginia, the group stops for food and to stretch.
    Dan Mesa turns to Ransom and says, “You are safe traveling with us as long as you remember someone has already tried to kill you and your best bet is to do as I say so you can live to become an old man. I will not hesitate to shoot you if you try to escape or if you attempt to harm or put my friends in danger. Do you understand me?”
    Ranson knows Mesa will do exactly as he has said and nods his head in agreement. “Ranger, I have no desire to die,” he says. “Believe me, I will follow your orders to the letter.”
    They stopped at the Cracker Barrel Restaurant. Now they go inside to eat. As always, Ranger Mesa is alert and ready, because he knows it only takes one minute of carelessness to get killed. He is consciously observing every person he sees—man, woman, or child. He asks for a table for five away from the window. He knows all eyes are on him because he is armed and wearing a badge. They are an interesting lot—one white male, a Hispanic male, a black female,

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