The Jungle of Horrors

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Book: Read The Jungle of Horrors for Free Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
swamp python frightened away the crawling denizens of the mire, but now they are returning to satisfy their curiosity. Hordes of slithering lizard-beasts gather at the edge of the floating morass, inching their way nearer as they assess your strengths and weaknesses. Relentlessly you push your way through the soggy vegetation until you reach the jagged rock wall of the island, urged on all the way by a hissing chorus of swamp creatures.
    Turn to 58 .

    Seconds later you hear the crash of broken furniture as a fight breaks out inside the cabin. Paido has surprised your would-be assailant, and the two of them are now locked in hand-to-hand combat. Abruptly the noise ceases, and Paido appears at the front door, sweating and dishevelled, his sword bloodied in his hand.
    ‘Where have you been?’ he asks, stepping aside to allow you to enter. A scar-faced man lies dead on the floor, a wooden stave lying across his chest. ‘Come and see what I've found in the back room,’ says Paido, leading the way.
    Small sacks, each filled with nuggets of silver, are stacked in a huge mound that reaches almost to the ceiling. ‘No wonder he fought so desperately,’ you say, staring at this treasure hoard. ‘There's enough silver here to pay a king's ransom.’
    You may take some treasure before you leave — each Sack of Silver counts as one Backpack Item.
    If you wish to continue along the valley, turn to 152 .
    If you wish to investigate the mine, turn to 120 .

    Quietly you agree upon a plan of action. Paido and Trost will approach the necromancer while you guard the stairs. If he should evade your companions, he'll have you to contend with before he can escape from the hold.
    Unhurriedly, you leave your seat and walk to the tap-room stairs. When you are in position your companions rise and advance towards the stranger who remains motionless, seemingly engrossed in his black book. Trost draws his sword and challenges the man, demanding that he state his name and the purpose of his journey. It is a fatal mistake. The man looks up from his book, his grey eyes suddenly aglow with a terrible red fire. Trost screams. His face has become a mass of horrible, erupting boils. As he falls to the floor, Paido strikes, his sword a shimmering lance of blue steel forged by the Elder Magi. His attack is lightning fast, but the necromancer counters his blow on the edge of his blade. Sparks explode, showering the tap-room with glowing fragments. The crowd begins to cheer, but their cheers turn to screams of terror when the necromancer summons a new defence.
    Illustration III —Trost's face has become a mass of horrible erupting boils.
    Turn to 206 .

    Paido opens his palm to reveal the small gold coin: it shows heads. ‘Bad luck!’ he exclaims with a grin. ‘You take the first watch.’ He settles himself down on the mound of spongy earth and is soon asleep, snoring softly. You sit beside him, your eyes scouring the black spaces between the ghostly grey trees.
    The first half of the night passes uneventfully. In need of rest, you are about to awaken Paido when you sense something moving in the shadows off to your right. Two tiny pinpoints of yellow light blink in the darkness. You draw your weapon, expecting an attack, but you can no longer see the eyes of the shadow creature. Paido wakes and takes over the watch, but the lingering feeling that you are being observed makes you uneasy and disturbs your rest (lose 2 ENDURANCE points). Four hours later, you wake to the gloomy grey of dawn and prepare to set off once more.
    Turn to 138 .

    You take cover behind the pulpit and focus your skill on a corner at the far end of the hall. Two hunting dogs run through the curtained archway and stop in the middle of the aisle, as if waiting for their handlers to catch up. Seconds later a group of monks appear, each armed with a sword. They approach the far corner and search it thoroughly, certain that the pews harbour you and your companion. When

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