The Invitation

Read The Invitation for Free Online

Book: Read The Invitation for Free Online
Authors: Scarlett Sanderson
Tags: Erótica
Such bloodsuckers.”
    “Do you have to pay taxes? According to the media you’re a rich socialite. How is all that possible?” She’d never really thought about it until now. How did he become one of the richest men in America?
    “I pay my taxes like a good citizen.”
    “But you’re a ghost.”
    “To throw this party every year, I have to maintain an air of normality. Pure illusion. Although you see my true face, I project a glamor that makes it look like I age to everyone else. I’m always traveling on ‘business’ so I’m rarely seen. I’m a recluse and I’m rich. I dabble in the stock market. We do have technology in the Shadow world.”
    She shook her head. “Bizarre. You also have a family?”
    “Members of the court who act as family. All illusion.”
    The mighty Longthorns—all smoke and mirrors. She brushed his cheek. “Sounds lonely.”
    He let out a deep sigh. “You have no idea.”
    She understood being in a room full of family and feeling like something was missing. Loneliness came in all forms.
    Despite the situation, she felt so comfortable being with him, as if they had known each other a lifetime. Perhaps they had.
    What would the heroines in her book do, faced with this fantastical situation? Take a leap of faith. They always did. Real life, however, was so much more complex.
    “I’m scared.”
    He covered her hand with his and kissed her palm. “I know. I wish I could give you time to become accustomed to it. For me to show you my world. There isn’t any time, Evie. I’m sorry.”
    “Could I still see my family?”
    “Yes. At certain points of the year. We also have telephones. And Skype.”
    “Skype works in the Shadow world?”
    “We have all the mod cons.”
    Bizarre. “What if I say yes and you’re wrong? What if I’m not your queen? What if…” She turned away and stared into the inky void. The one thing that clawed at her gut and bathed her in self-doubt. “What if you stop desiring me? What if you choose another lover? Where would that leave me?”
    She wasn’t usually so needy. This situation was different. He was handsome. So beautiful it made her teeth ache. He could have any woman in the world. What if he got bored?
    “Evie.” He traced her collarbone. She looked at him and he delicately cupped her face. “I am the King of Shadows. With that title comes vast amounts of power. I know you are my queen, in my heart and soul. My body recognizes yours. I know you sensed it when I was inside you. We fit together. A perfect match. I’ll never want another woman.” He leaned forward and placed a tender kiss on the end of her nose. “There is but one soul that can complete me. And that soul belongs to you. Eternity, Evie. I’m offering you forever.”
    His eyes began to glow, lighting the darkness.
    Tears brimmed as doubts, fears swirled like snowflakes. What should she do? She’d never felt more alive than she did when she was with Gabriel.
    The Christmas chimes began ringing. Her heart raced. Time was up. As he’d said, it was now or never. She waited, frozen with fear and indecision.
    Gabriel stood and offered his hand. “Forever, Evie. I love you. Leap with me.”
    They continued to chime. Eight. Nine. Images of her life without Gabriel flashed before her. Pleasant but incomplete without him. Ten. Eleven.
    As the bell struck twelve, Evie slipped her hand into his. “I love you.”
    With those three words, she leaped.

    Bing Crosby’s voice moved through the air like smooth, melted chocolate, singing about a white Christmas. Evie sat on the raised dais and laughed as Lucian’s attempt to attract a female failed once again.
    “He must be losing his preternatural mojo.” Gabriel’s breath tickled her ear as he leaned down and whispered to her.
    It had been an extraordinary year for her…and her husband. Being Queen of Shadows agreed with her. Since taking Gabriel’s hand, she’d been whirled into a truly magical world. A

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