The Invisible Husband
unhappy expression blossomed
into an amused smile as she appeared to appraise the room. She
wasn’t a beauty, but everything about her was pleasing. Bluish
green eyes flashed with intelligence in a pleasant face designed
for good humour. Straight golden brown hair was plaited into a
Grecian style. He couldn’t help wondering what she’d look like with
it hanging free over her tempting charms. Straining his ears to
hear her politely thank the footman for pouring her a cup of
chocolate, his innards knotted in pleasure as she questioned the
footman about Lord Latham. She appeared pleased with the man’s
answer. Eager to hear more, Adam willed his ears to hear the lovely
voice, but her next question was drowned out by the sound of his
brother calling out from below, “Adam, what are you doing in here?”
Adam flushed with horror as her smiling eyes fluttered upwards and
seemed to meet his stare. She couldn’t know he was watching her. He
waited until her eyes were on her plate before silently swinging
the painted eyes back into place and hissing his displeasure at his
brother at the bottom of the ladder. “Are you mad?”

    Adam carefully
put his feet on solid ground before grabbing his brother by the
coat collar and dragging him close. “She heard you!”

    “There’d be
nothing to hear if you used your backbone. What is wrong with you?
If you’re in love with the woman…go speak with her.”

    “Keep your
voice down!”

    Luke rolled his
eyes, “She can’t hear…”

    “She heard

    “She wants to
know why you married her so go tell her. I made a complete ass of
myself…” Luke Latham found his coat collar repossessed as he
suddenly stared into one angry eye.

    “What did you

    “I didn’t say
anything; that’s the problem. She wanted to know why you married
her and I couldn’t think of a reason that was believable. I
couldn’t lie and say her beauty transfixed you, could I? She’s not
exactly…” Luke’s next words were lost as Adam shook him in
frustration hissing curses on meddling Lathams. “You’re ruining my
new coat!”

    Adam’s single
green eye gleamed with murder. “Don’t say another word to my
    “I can’t go
without taking my leave. She’ll think me…” Adam grabbed his brother
by the cravat and gave him the evil eye. “…you’re…choking me…” Adam
released his brother and turned away fearing his distress would
gleam in the faint light coming in through the secret doorway.
“…go explain yourself old man; I told her you’re in love with

    Adam turned
back in horror. “You did what?”

    “I told her
you’re in love with…no don’t…choke…”

    “If I didn’t
know you meant well with your mindless meddling I’d…
Comment-diable! She must think me deranged…she must think me the
greatest lunatic in the Kingdom.” Adam groaned as his heart
shrieked with panic.

    “Perhaps she
fancies Bedlamites…can’t…breathe…”

    Swamped by
agonising disappointment and an uncomfortable desire to kill his
brother, Adam released the younger man and reluctantly glanced up
at the peep hole before dragging his brother back through the
secret door and closing it behind him. “Do I look like a happy man?
Do I look like I appreciate your meddling?”

    “I’m sorry
Adam…I was only trying to help.”

    “If you want to
help, leave and let me pretend this whole Gothic melodrama never

    Two beautiful
eyebrows rose in horror. “You’re not going to annul the

    “It’s none of
your business.”

    “But you love
the woman…not that it makes any sense to me, but clearly you
wouldn’t make such an ass of yourself if… Where are you going?
You’re not going to break your heart just because I told her you
love her? Adam! You can’t send her home…her parents are awful.”

    “So are her
in-laws.” The hoarse words spattered his cravat. Adam had to reach
his room and lock his bedchamber door before the

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