The Hero's Companion (The Hunter Legacy)

    Boss or Master, in Swahili.

Bones, mmmmm
    Homer Simpson joke.

    Head bowed forward, and resting in the palm
of the hand. Usually indicated extreme surprise, usually the result of major
    The classic face-palm, used ever after in
social media, was of the face-palm done by Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the
Enterprise-D, in Star Trek The Next Generation.

Taking a moment
    Head bowed forward, the nose held between
thumb and two fingers, eyes closed.
    From the square screen tv series Ally

Moving right along
    … footloose and fancy free.
    From the square screen, The Muppet Movie.

survivors off planet at the time
it was nuked
    The main theme of Battlestar Galactica.

A dark man in fire?
    "… the figure of a dark man, wreathed
in fire, who takes a step towards you…"
    From the flat screen The Hobbit movie

the whole thing in one sitting
    Jon: "Dinner over, most headed for the
theatre, while I took myself back to the Bridge. With luck, Elves and Dwarves
verses Orcs and Goblins might keep the crew occupied for a while. Although I
seriously didn’t think anyone would be watching the whole thing in one sitting.
I had, but then, I do crazy things like that at times."
    Referring to watching extended edition
movie trilogies, where each movie is two to three hours long. Brief pauses for
toilet breaks and sourcing food, otherwise non-stop viewing.
    For the record, the author does this all
the time.

    The author was called this on his 2014
visit to northern India, as he was there as a volunteer healer.

scratch and bite marks
    It is possible to bring something like a
scratch, which happens in etheric 'dreamland', onto the body when waking.
    The author does this all the time,
constantly finding scratches he doesn’t remember getting.
    The more time you spend 'out there' while
asleep, the more chance of injury while you are there. It’s the price of being
a soul which astral travels while asleep, doing the healing work of the angels.
    However, it also helps that you sleep with
well-trimmed finger and toe nails.

Grumpy Cat
    An internet 'personality' beginning late
2012, noted for negative sayings and a grumpy expression. Was a real cat.

The Long Road to Gaia

    From Max and the Gang of Five, a novel by
Helen Ellis.

Mostly Harmless
    The complete amended description of the
planet Earth, in the electronic book, the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy.
Previous to the update, the entire entry had read 'harmless'. Shortly after the
description was amended, the planet was demolished to make way for a hyperspace
    From the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy,
by Douglas Adams.

Botany Bay
    Botany Bay is on the south side of Sydney,
in New South Wales, Australia. Captain James Cook landed there in 1770.
Eighteen years later, the first British colony fleet landed there, before
deciding to colonize slightly further to the north.
    Botany Bay was the ship Khan was exiled in,
found adrift by the Enterprise in the square screen Star Trek Original Series.
Years later, its remains were discovered again by the crew of another starship,
carrying one of Enterprise's original crew, with disastrous consequences; in
the second Star Trek square screen movie.

Do not pass go
    From the board game Monopoly.

Relativistic effects
    As your speed approaches that of the speed
of light, weird things happen to time. On the ship, time remains constant, you
age as you normally do, and notice nothing. But outside the ship, time speeds
up. The result of travelling at relativistic speeds is, it might take you 5
years to get to your destination, and five years to get back, but when you
return, the grandchildren of your family and friends might already be dead. The
effect varies according to how close you get to the speed of light.
    Traveling at relativistic speeds is a one
way ticket into the future. For examples, see the Ender's Game sequels,

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