Brother Yu was astonished and asked, “How do you know?”
My mother explained, “Brothers and sisters have already fasted and prayed for three days that my son will come and preach the gospel to you. My son already promised he would go with you. But he went to the west this morning and will be home by sunset. Will you please sit down and have a drink of water?”
When Yu heard my mother’s words, he was so happy he turned around and ran home. He was in such a rush that he even forgot to take his straw hat! He promised he’d return at sunset to get me.
At that moment, right as the sun was about to set, Yu Jing Chai entered our yard. He was covered in sweat from the long run. He looked exactly as I’d seen him in my dream the previous night. I took his hand and told him, “You are Brother Yu, and you and others have been praying for three days for me to come. I met you this morning in my dream. Jesus loves you. I will come with you.”
We hugged each other and cried together. My mother no longer doubted my sanity. After she laid hands on us and blessed us we walked into the darkness toward his village to the south. When we arrived I again quoted all the Bible verses I had memorized to the people.
The fire of the gospel in our area started to burn that day. Not only did it burn to the west but also to the south. Later we encountered much persecution and suffering for the faith, but in those early days everything was sweet and wonderful.
God poured his Spirit out to many desperate souls. Like thirsty men in the desert, they gleefully drank in the water of God’s Word. Even though I was just a teenager, the Lord enabled me to lead more than 2,000 people to Jesus in my first year as a Christian.
In those early days my understanding of “the west andsouth” was limited to those areas near my home village. Gradually, by the Lord’s grace, that territory has expanded over the years to include the whole of China and even to nations outside China.
* * *
When I first shared at Gao Village the Lord gave me Scripture songs to sing before the people. They wrote down the words so they could remember them.
One of the songs was taken from the Gospel of Matthew where Jesus tells us if someone strikes us on the right cheek, we should turn our other cheek to him as well. Another song taught how we are to rejoice greatly when we are persecuted for the sake of the gospel. Yet another song explained how we should never be like Judas and deny our Master.
After so many people came to Jesus at once, it caught the attention of the authorities. All the Christians in Gao Village were arrested and taken to the police station. The officers demanded to know, “Who brought the name of Jesus to you? How did you all come to believe in this superstition?”
The believers were filled with overwhelming joy. The only thing they would say was, “We won’t be like Judas! We won’t betray our Lord Jesus!”
The officers started to beat them and they rejoiced even more. They said, “Please, sir, hit us on the other side of the face as well!” The Christians were laughing and rejoicing.
The officers grew tired of beating them and finally said, “You Christians are all crazy!” After a final warning, they sent them all home.
I thank God that he saved my whole family.
My father went home to heaven a few years after being miraculously healed of cancer.
I was grieved and happy at the same time. Grieved because I’d lost my father at such an early age, yet happy that the Lord had saved him. God had used my father’s illness to bring our whole family to the foot of the cross.
My mother was just like Anna the prophetess. She “worshipped night and day, fasting and praying.” Luke 2:37.
I thank God, because he not only gave me wonderful parents, but a very virtuous wife. The Bible asks, “A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has
Matt Christopher, Stephanie Peters