The Greatness Guide: One of the World's Most Successful Coaches Shares His Secrets for Personal and Business Mastery

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Book: Read The Greatness Guide: One of the World's Most Successful Coaches Shares His Secrets for Personal and Business Mastery for Free Online
Authors: Robin Sharma
representing that he wouldn’t give up until there was blood coming out of his eyes. Extreme? Maybe. An evangelist? Definitely.
    You are here to find that cause, that main aim, that vital destiny that will move you at the most visceral level and get you up at the crack of dawn with fire in your belly.
    I’m an evangelist. Talk to anyone who knows me and they’ll tell you that my oxygen is helping human beings lead without title and getting organizations to world-class. Sure I have my down times and hard days—find me someone who doesn’t. But mostly you’ll find me full of enthusiasm, high energy and delight at spreading my message. Am I more special than you? Absolutely not. I’ve just found my Cause.
    I don’t know what your life’s Most Important To Do is. That’s for you to figure out (through some deep reflection, introspection and soul-searching; doing that within a journal is a wise idea). But I do know this: When you find the mission that your life will be dedicated to, you’ll wake up each day with that fire in your belly I mentioned. You won’t want to sleep. You’ll be willing to move mountains to make it happen. You’ll find that sense of internal fulfillment that may now be missing from your life. And you’ll preach that message to anyone who’ll listen. You’ll become an evangelist.

Under the Kimono: My Best Practices
    I just want to help you shine. All I really care about is doing my part to help you get to your greatness. To help you reach your best at work. To help you find happiness at home. To help you make your mark. What’s my payoff? Well, when I help you live your finest life, I get to feel significant. I get to feel that I’m making a difference in the world. That I matter. That I’m not walking the planet in vain. That’s where so much of my happiness comes from. Truly.
    So here’s what I thought about in the shower this morning: What are my best practices? In other words, what are the best things that I do to stay at my very best—on game and in potential? Here’s what I came up with:
Up at 5 a.m. five times a week with naps on the weekends.
A 60-minute “holy hour” once I’m up, for self-development and personal reflection.
five big-time workouts a week.
A 90-minute massage every seven days.
A world-class diet. (But I eat one to two desserts every week—life isn’t meant to be too strict; and if I ever see “flourless chocolate cake”
on a menu, I order it.)
A period of journaling most days. Journaling builds self-awareness. I also use my journal to write daily goals, plan and record what I’m grateful for, and capture and process new ideas along with lessons learned.
A period of reading each day (from
Harvard Business Review
Travel and Leisure
and good books).
Affirmations or what I call Success Statements throughout the day—especially in the shower. These keep my thoughts locked on what’s most important—and thoughts are the ancestors of actions. Right thinking drives right action.
A weekly planning session. I also review my goals here. Usually I do it Sunday morning.
At least one conversation with an interesting person each week to keep my passion high and to surround myself with big ideas. A single conversation can change your life. In an issue of
Business 2.0,
management consultant Jim Collins revealed that one idea, shared in 30 seconds by a mentor, transformed him.
    This very day can be the first day of your new life. It’s all your choice.
    I have more but these are my best personal practices, the ones that bring out my highest. Pick the ones that resonate with you. Discard the ones that you disagree with. Just find what works for the way you live. Then act on them today. This very day can be the first day of your new life. It’s all your choice.

Culture Is King
    At a leadership training program I recently gave for a group of high-tech managers, a distinguished-looking man came up to me at the break and

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