The Grasshopper
that for the show.
And in the afternoon, when Prince raises his eyes as he enters the
submarine’s salon, having let his old father enter
    Like two weeks ago when he was on
an official visit to the television station. She didn’t realize
immediately that he had come because of her. She knew of course
that he had come because of her show. He had told the
editor-in-chief so himself. But she didn’t know that he had come
only because of her. Until the moment when everyone from the
editorial board had left the studio and when she said, with her
back turned to him:
    “And it is only then, Mr. Kaella,
after a whole day of constant work, that I go into the studio, that
the cameras and lights are turned on…” and showing the familiar set
with a broad gesture of her hand, she turned towards him, looked at
him and stopped.
    In Prince’s look she saw, like only
a woman can see, that from that moment on he was only hers. She had
always felt that she would achieve a lot in life, that she would go
very far, but she had never considered such heights, the throne
itself. Babe wasn’t at all interested what it would be like:
official or unofficial, public or secret. She simply knew that from
that moment on, she, Babe, was queen of the world. The Princess of
the planet Earth.
    Prince Kaella did not even consider
the possibility that Miss Babe might not open the door to him if he
decided to knock on it even tonight. And she wouldn’t have. Of
course she would not allow for him to see her in plain nightgown.
At one time, later, when she is safely anchored as Princess. And
considering his great desire, if he were to knock right now, which
was certainly possible, then she would…
    Babe smiled, creating in her head
an entire scenario of what it would be like. Like, she was just
ironing out the creases, bent over the bed, when she heard a
    “Who is it?” she would ask, with a
seemingly surprised and frightened voice, like one would expect of
a girl alone in a hotel room, if a stranger were to knock on her
door in the middle of the night.
    “Prince Kaella,” he would
    “Oh, Mr. Kaella!” she would shout
out, in a voice that would lose the tone of fear, but would contain
a stronger note of surprise, with a mild, initial note of typical
female excitement.
    “You’re not sleeping, Miss Babe?”,
Prince would ask.
    “I was just about to, Mr.
    “May I come in?”
    “Come in? What do you mean? I’m not
dressed. I always sleep in the nude, Mr. Kaella.”
    Babe giggled out loud, imagining
him panting in the hallway, completely shocked by this statement of
    “I understand… well… put something
    “Why, Mr. Kaella? Has something
happened? Is your dad feeling unwell?”
    “Hm, no, no… I just
    “What? Tell me.”
    “Well… I must see you.”
    “We’ll see each other in the
morning, Mr. Kaella.”
    “I know… I know that, but… I can’t
    “What can’t you wait for, Mr.
    “I… I… long for you so
    “Mr. Kaella! Tomorrow is an
important day. Millions of people across the Earth will be watching
the interview with you and your father. I have to be focused and I
cannot give in to… Go now, please.”
    “What can’t you give in
    At this point she would be silent
and with that silence she would show Prince how much she
reprimanded herself for foolishly betraying and revealing her
immense feelings for him. Of course he would repeat the
    “What can’t you give in to? Tell
me… please.”
    “Mr. Kaella, this really isn’t the
time for such conversations. In any case, someone might hear us and
tell your dad. We cannot upset him in any way before the interview.
I’m sure you agree with this, right?”
    “Well… yes,” Prince said
    “And after the interview, Mr.
    “What after the interview? What?
Tell me… tell me…”
    “I mean, if you want to,

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