The Golden Spider (The Elemental Web Chronicles Book 1)
jaw clenched.
    Mr. Black pressed, “Names, if you please, Lady Amanda.”
    Amanda refused to look away from Lord Thornton as she answered. She’d count it a small victory if she could make his teeth grind. “Lord Guntwaithe visually calculated the depth of my cleavage, while Lord Lowsley employed his voice to its full soporific effect.”
    Mr. Black spoke. “As verified.”
    “And after I left?” Lord Thornton leaned forward over his desk. “What of the early morning?”
    Amanda sucked in an outraged breath. “I was in my bed.” That, for the most part, was the truth. “Alone, of course. How dare you suggest otherwise.” She stepped toward the door, waving at Mr. Black to move. “I’ll not spend another minute answering these offensive questions. Expect to hear from my father. Please step aside.”
    But Mr. Black continued to block her exit, his face expressionless. “My apologies, Lady Amanda, but we simply cannot allow you to leave.”
    “There was a situation last night.” Lady Huntley’s tone was conciliatory. “At the Queen’s request, Lord Thornton and Mr. Black were on hand to assist. Aside from the brief stop at your town home, they spent the early hours of the morning here. As a result, their manners are strained.”
    “A situation?” She tipped her head, intrigued.
    Lady Huntley nodded. “Despite all evidence to the contrary,” she shot a dark look at Lord Thornton, “we would very much like to enlist your help.”
    Amanda crossed her arms, suspecting they were about to confirm her earlier suspicions. “With what, exactly?”
    “I’m afraid we must have your agreement first,” Lady Huntley said.
    Amanda looked about the room from face to face to face. It seemed they had reached an impasse. All were firmly closed, though she was certain they knew something about her spider. If they didn’t have it, they knew who did. She would have it back, and it seemed the only way to that end was to agree to assist them.
    Concern warred with curiosity, but not for long. “Fine,” she bit out.
    “I like her,” Mr. Black said to Lord Thornton, his mood lightening once more. “Not at all like you described.” Then, throwing her a wink, Mr. Black turned and exited through the door.
    “ This is a bad idea,” Lord Thornton grumbled.
    “Not at all,” Lady Huntley replied. “It’s our only idea.”

Chapter Six

    “ S HALL WE ADJOURN to the morgue?” Lady Huntley gestured toward the door.
    “Leave off that ridiculous hat,” Thornton snapped at Lady Amanda. “It has so many feathers it’s about to take flight.” Feathers that brushed against the nape of her neck, much like a man’s kiss might. An irritating thought he swept aside.
    Lady Amanda’s mouth dropped.
    “You’ll have to excuse Thornton,” Lady Huntley said. “He’s rather cranky today. Your hat, however, may indeed prove an inconvenience.”
    Lady Amanda cast him a dark glance. She pinched a hatpin between thumb and forefinger, sliding forth the long, sharp implement and dropping it upon his desk. The hat followed. “If he’s capable of being pleasant, I’ve yet to experience it,” she said, then turned on her heel to exit his office.
    Her angry steps made her hips sway beneath her bustle in the most distracting manner. Why was he wondering what the real woman looked like underneath? Better that she found him cold and unbending and harsh. She might be his social equal, but here, at Lister University School of Medicine, she was first and foremost his student. Admittedly, one whose home he’d invaded in the dark of night, upsetting her equilibrium with the merest of glances and allowing her, for just a moment, to think he was there to play suitor.
    He was still trying to interpret the resulting look upon her face. Shock and horror? Surprise and hope? He wasn’t certain. Either way, they would be in close proximity for the foreseeable future, and Thornton would need to maintain professional distance from this woman. Theirs

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