The Golden Bell

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Book: Read The Golden Bell for Free Online
Authors: Autumn Dawn
Tags: adventure, Paranormal, Action, SciFi, shapeshifter, Slipstream
going to the Dark Lands.
    Azion’s eyes shifted inquiringly to her
    That brought Rain to her feet. Fists
clenched, she gritted, “I’m twenty-two years old and past the need
for a guardian.”
    “I accept the responsibility,” Fallon’s calm
voice cut off her tirade.
    She whirled on him, within a fingernail of
attacking him. “I don’t want you as my keeper, so why don’t
    Azion cut her off this time. “Lord Fallon
will be protecting you until such a time as you find a mate and he
can hand the responsibility over. He will help you to get
established and will see to your well being until you are settled.
This is the will of the Council. Good luck, and good day.”
    Mute fury riveted her to the spot as the
screen went blank. Ignoring Kirk and her new “guardian”, she
stalked to the exit, whipped open the door, strode down the hall
and slammed into her room. Locking the door, she threw herself on
the bed and screamed into her pillow.
    “That went well.”
    Fallon shot Kirk an annoyed look and dropped
into his office chair. He could see the hallway and Rain’s bedroom
through his open study door.
    He hadn’t known she was a half-breed. It
explained a lot, but made little impact on his decision to protect
her, other than to make him more certain that she needed it. Elder
Azion was right; she wasn’t happy here. No matter how she felt
about the move, she was sure to have a better chance of survival in
the Dark Lands.
    Retirement had been looming for some time,
and he’d be glad to go home. Kirk was ready to replace him, and
there few of them left on this side of gate to warrant Fallon’s
continued presence. He had lands and duties in the Dark Lands, both
of which had suffered his absence for over a decade. Dealing with
one small woman wasn’t going to tax him.
    Toying with the latch on his laptop, he let
his eyes wander over the shelves of books. The sun shown through
the window Rain had almost leapt through, reflecting off the snow
and illuminating the red velvet couch. Three moons rode the sky in
the Dark Lands and the climate was tropical. He’d miss this place,
but it had never held his heart like his home.
    He pictured Rain there and smiled. She’d
probably attack the first shifted soldier she found, and since all
males remained in their more powerful, mute form when on duty,
she’d see one almost immediately. Growing up around humans might
even have made her fearful. Frowning, he considered how long it
would take her to become acclimated…

    It was still dark when Rain woke up, but that
wasn’t unusual for Alaska. Sunrise wouldn’t happen until
ten-something that morning. Growling at the dark, she flipped back
the covers and hunted for her socks.
    She wanted to slap herself for her tantrum
last night. Granted, for the last year she’d been hunted,
sleep-deprived, half-starved and almost seduced by the bad guy, but
that didn’t excuse her childish behavior. You’d think the last year
would have pistol-whipped the remains of giddy youth out of
    She was going to the Dark Lands. She hated to
admit it, yet there it was. With the entire bloody Council against
her, the Cult’s deathwatch waiting for her to show her face and
Fallon and Kirk babysitting, there was no way she was going to be
able to run. Then there was the little matter of the trinket she
    Rain slipped her hand into her frayed leather
jacket and pulled out a red rubber ball. A lopsided smirk curved
her lips as she peeled it apart at the seams and spilled the
contents into her palm. As heavy as gold, the intricately carved
metal ball slowly warmed in her palm. Topaz gems winked at her from
their settings, inviting her to touch, to wake them from their
slumber. Giving in, she held the device next to the bedside lamp,
giving it just enough light to operate.
    With a hum, the device lifted from her palm
and hovered, slowly rotating. The gems lit up, began their opening

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