The Gods of Garran

Read The Gods of Garran for Free Online

Book: Read The Gods of Garran for Free Online
Authors: Meredith Skye
Tags: Fiction, Science-Fiction, Action & Adventure
can handle it," she said.
    "That priest attacked us! We don't even have to make a story up. He was armed. He attacked us and killed Dale and Tomlin. So--we killed him. We put him down. All this is true."
    She stared at Ruben. He was one of the Agency's top agents. Even if she did complain to his superiors--maybe they knew how much he bent the law out in the wilderness. Maybe they knew . . . and did nothing. She shrugged at last. "Don't think I go running to my Father every time something bothers me, if that's what you think."
    Ruben nodded. "So, we're good then? You'll back us up?"
    "Of course," she said, trying to appear careless even though the whole situation made her feel uncomfortable.
    "Good. Because out here the lines get a little fuzzy sometimes. We are the law and there are very few of us against a vast population of natives. Things have to get done, even if they get done the hard way sometimes. Strength is what these people understand," said Ruben, his eyes hard.
    He turned to the others. "Build a fire. Let's do this."
    Breehan, Jess and Pak pitched in and they built a huge bonfire. They tossed the body of Jaynanth into it and watched him burn.
    Even in the fire, the priest's head was visible. His eyes stared at them the whole while, as the body burned. Last of all, the fire consumed the head. It felt morbid. Almost Asta wanted to flee home and leave this job.
    What she really wanted to do, though, was leave the planet of Garran. Go back to her homeworld of Toolash. A civilized world, not some lawless, backworld desert. The planet that had killed her mother. She pushed those thoughts aside.
    Once the body had been incinerated, they roasted eke meat on the embers of the bonfire, laughing and joking about it all the while. A final insult to the old priest.
    "Relax," said Ruben, passing Asta a flask of Anik Rum. "This was your first big mission. You did well."
    "Thanks," she said. She took the rum and drank. It took several more drinks before the situation felt acceptable. The others drank deeply as well.
    She could still see the priest's bones in the fire.
    The tents had already been set up and they were done for the night. It had been a very long day. A tense one, especially for Asta. Now the group just relaxed.
    Ruben slid a little closer to Asta. "I wasn't kidding when I said you did well. I'm proud of you."
    "Thanks," she said, blushing a little.
    They were both a little drunk. He took her hand. "It's nice to have a little time together out here, under the stars." Ruben had flirted with her some during training. She'd had her eye on him. He had that rugged look that appealed to her, as did his scraggly long hair.
    The moon had risen higher, casting a pale light over the desert. The stars were visible.
    But the white bones of the corpse in the fire, damped the romantic moment. Asta still remembered the look in his dead eyes. She closed her own eyes, but it was hard to remove the memory.
    She opened her eyes as she felt Ruben move. He leaned over and began kissing her. This surprised her. She hadn't expected it. To be honest, she had hoped that it would happen. So, she kissed him back.
    Just 21 years old, Asta had never had a serious relationship. She'd always been a bit of a loner. Ruben's tender and insistent kiss felt good to her. Arousing. Also comforting.
    Still, some part of her mind objected. The day had been upsetting. But by now, the rum had kicked on and her worries melted away. She gave in to his kisses, savoring the intimate moment.

    A torch lit the wall of the sleeping chamber where Norbi slept. He had hardly stirred in the few days since the attack. A broken arm and some broken ribs were not the worst of it--there was internal bleeding. Instead of recovering--the boy had worsened.
    Their father, Ashtan, bent over Norbi, examining him. Moorhen could feel the anger burning in his father. Ashtan had always hated the Chanden, but had never suffered an attack like this on one of his own

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