watching silly cartoons. Of course, Greg would deny it if you ever mentioned it to his friends. But Sunday was the only day they were allowed to watch morning television and so they could always be found there.
Listening to the sound of her mum's voice, Lana walked into the kitchen just as Audrey was saying goodbye to someone on the phone.
'Morning, Love,' she said as she leaned over and kissed Lana on her forehead. 'Are you feeling better?'
Before she could reply, the kettle boiled, making an awful gurgling sound before it switched itself off. Picking it up, Audrey filled the old teapot and replaced the lid. 'Do you want a drink? I've got some green tea if you're still suffering with your period.'
Lana smiled, remembering the lie her sister had told the night before. 'No, I'm actually feeling much better thanks. I'll just have a cup of normal tea, please.'
'Is Emma still in bed?'
Lana nodded.
'That's unusual. She's always up before you. I hope she's not coming down with something,' she sighed as she gave the teapot a bit of a shake before pouring the tea into two mugs.
'I think it's more to do with old Mr Grimshaw, Mum, and that boy dying. She was pretty upset about it.'
Smiling sadly, Audrey nodded, 'Of course, yes. Poor thing. Dealing with death quite often, I forget how stressful it can be.'
'Have you heard anything yet?'
Her mum looked across the table quizzically.
'The boy?' said Lana.
'No, nothing. The police are looking into it, but so far he's been unclaimed. They've sent photos to the mainland and they're doing some facial recognition thing on the computer this morning. They're hoping someone might recognise him.'
'How do you think he got here, Mum, if he's not a local?'
Audrey took a sip of tea. 'He might have been on a boat that got caught in the storm. That's the most likeliest explanation.'
'Mummmm... Greg won't let me watch Tracy Beakeeeeerrrr,' yelled Lucy as a kerfuffle ensued from the living room.
Audrey rolled her eyes and stood up, 'Why don't you take a cup of tea to Emma? I'm sure that will have woken her up,' she smiled as she went to sort the kids out.
'Morning, trouble,' Lana smiled as she opened the bedroom door to find Emma sitting up in bed, rubbing her eyes.
'Trouble? That's your name, not mine.'
Lana laughed, 'I suppose you're right. Here, I brought you some tea,' she said handing it over before plonking herself down on her own bed.
'What time is it?' asked Emma.
'Just gone ten. It's not like you to sleep in?'
'I didn't get to sleep until really late. I just couldn't stop thinking about, you know, yesterday.'
Lana smiled before standing up and taking off her dressing gown. She lifted up her pyjama top, turning to look at her back in the mirror. The tattoo was still there.
A brief knock on the door made her almost jump out of her clothes and she pulled the top down just in time as Audrey opened the door and peered round.
'Morning, Love. Are you all right? You slept late this morning.'
'I'm okay, Mum,' she replied as she leaned forward to let her kiss her on the forehead.
'Now that you're both awake, I've got something to tell you.'
The girls looked across at each other expectantly.
'I was waiting for confirmation about accommodation before I broached the subject but I've just spoken to one of your Dad's old friends and it's all confirmed...'
'What is, Mum... what's confirmed?' asked Lana impatiently.
'Wait, I'm getting to that,' she smiled, before carrying on, 'Your work experience. Your Dad and I thought it would be good for you both to go...' she paused for effect, '... to London,' she said, almost squealing.
Lana jumped up with a smile so wide, that it almost reached the outer corners of her eyes.
'Holy.... sh.....sugar,' she exclaimed with a brief glance in Audrey's direction, 'I thought I was just going to work in the gallery with Lady Denton. How did you do it? Where are we going to stay? Where are we going to work? When are we going?' she said with barely a