The Gentlewoman

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Book: Read The Gentlewoman for Free Online
Authors: Lisa Durkin
fucking bitch.”
    Rory jolted awake and sat up. She looked down at her hands,
clasping the comforter, knuckles white. Releasing them, she breathed deeply,
trying to still her racing heart. It had been getting better, the dreams not
coming nearly as often. This one had been clear and detailed the events exactly
as they happened. She wiped her forehead and leaned back, trying to slow her
    She had been diagnosed with PTSD when the dreams started.
Even the doctor was surprised at their clarity and sequential nature. She had
suggested it was a sign of intelligence, as if to make Rory feel better. It was
fucking hell. She was told it was guilt feelings making her relive what
happened, and that she should forgive herself for not being able to save her
father and try to move on. She put that in the category of things that were
easier said than done. She had tried, and still tried very hard, every day.
    Rory looked at the clock, six-thirty a.m. She climbed out of
bed and dragged herself to the kitchen. The dreams always left her feeling
scared and lonely. They had dissipated throughout the three years since it
happened. This past year they had been almost nonexistent, with most of her
energy spent on the Trojan Japan deal and getting the appointment to the
congressional seat. She leaned against the counter and took a long drink,
hanging her head and breathing in deeply. Why did they come back out of the
blue? If she could just determine the trigger, she could figure out a way to
avoid them altogether, she thought for the millionth time. She shook her head
and exhaled hard, peering over the counter to the windows beyond the living
room. It was snowing. A run would help.
    Jackson stood at the kitchen window sipping his coffee.
There she went, the good Congresswoman Morgan, off for a run in the morning
cold and snow. How tenacious. He smiled and raised a wicked eyebrow as she bent
over and touched her toes, stood and pulled her foot to her ass. That was some
nice spandex. His eyes followed her every move as she lunged and straightened
her back knee, stretching each calf muscle in turn. His dick was getting hard
just watching her.
    Rory Morgan was not the type of woman he wanted to make a
mistake with. He didn’t know if she was capable of having casual sex, no
strings attached. But damn if he didn’t want her. She had been through a lot
and he didn’t want to add to her troubled life. He had thought of her all night
long and had gotten up to shower in the middle of the night so he could jack
off for the third time. Honestly, it was like being in high school again. He
had to get a handle on her demons. If he knew exactly what she had been
through, the detail of it, he could determine the way to best get what he
needed, in and out of the sack.
    He hit a number on speed dial and watched Rory disappear
down the street at a brisk jog as the call connected.
    “Good morning, Congressman. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
The sexy female voice on the other end was sultry, smooth.
    “Agent Durand, how are you this morning?” Jackson replied,
still peering out the window.
    “Better, now that you’re calling. It’s a little early for a
visit, though. You’re just waking me. It’s been awhile, surely you’re not that
insatiable?” Her husky voice was hopeful.
    “I need a favor. I need a look at a case file and all the
final recorded findings and close-out details.”
    “I’m always willing to help out a friend, Congressman. But
it’s been awhile since you and I spent any time together. I was wondering if we
were still acquaintances at all.”
    “Agent Durand, you’re a friend for life. I’ve just been busy
getting the session started. My schedule has been tight, but I was planning on
calling you when things slowed. Meanwhile, I could really use this information.
It would help to move things along for the taxpayers, if you would help me
    Agent Jennifer Durand had supplied him information in the
past and

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