The Gateway (Harbinger of Doom Volume 1)
several more golden coins. They’d been uniformly spaced
around the perimeter of the circle, buried some six inches down.
Some bore the symbols of Mortach, as did the first, while others
bore the symbols of Hecate. They recognized still other markings on
some of the coins as symbols used by the priests of Bhaal, yet
another chaos lord.
    “ It seems likely that these coins
were enchanted by the followers of the chaos lords, and placed here
by them for some as yet undetermined purpose,” said Claradon, as
they stood about the rock, studying the coins.
    “ I cannot explain it otherwise,”
said Gabriel. “So it seems we’ll be going up against the followers
of chaos, or some fell sorcery or some fiend or beast that they’ve
conjured up.” He paused for a few moments, and then turned to the
rest of the group before continuing, “I will tell you that although
it’s not widely known, the followers of chaos have caused much
suffering throughout Lomion over the years. The Crown and the
Churches don’t want such news causing panic so they’ve suppressed
it. Few even know of the existence of these nefarious cults. But
various covert military groups in Lomion, such as the Rangers’
Guild and the Church Knights, have battled against the cults a
number of times. Ob and I have even had our troubles with them over
the years. They’re not to be trifled with. I’m afraid that unless
they’ve taken our men prisoner in hopes of extorting a ransom,
their involvement does not bode well for Lord Eotrus’s safe
    “ Oh my. Oh dear,” cried Par Tanch.
“We in the Order of the Arcane know of these fearsome cults as
well. Going up against the followers of Bhaal or Mortach or Hecate
is a serious thing. Going up against the cults of all three is
tantamount to suicide. Their assassins have slaughtered many in
their beds; still others have gone missing, never to be seen or
heard from again. Perhaps we should reconsider this venture. Yes,
perhaps we should go back to the Dor and get more men or better yet
send for help from Lomion. Yes, clearly this is a job for the
Lomerian army or the rangers of Doriath Hall. Clearly, this is much
too dangerous for our small band. My delicate back just can’t take
the stress and exertion and --”
    A wave of Gabriel’s hand cut Tanch off. “Have
you forgotten the nature of this mission, wizard?! We’re here to
help Lord Eotrus if we can, or to avenge his death if he has
fallen. There’s no reconsidering, we will do this
    Tanch’s face reddened. “Of course, of course,
we must press on and help Lord Eotrus,” he recanted.
    “ Yes, we must,” said
    “ Please forgive me, I just meant
to say that if there’s fighting to be done I might not be able to
help because of my delicate back.” He put his arm behind his back
and winced in pain to demonstrate his plight. “But we must press
on. Indeed, indeed, we must, we must.”


    After a time, having found nothing else of
note within the circle, the men returned to the stone where they
had placed the coins. Ob was already there, having completed his
initial reconnaissance of the woods, and was examining the
    “ Gabe,” Ob called out, “we found
tracks of Aradon’s patrol.”
    Claradon’s heart leapt to his throat at the
gnome’s words. Perhaps, there was some hope. He was anxious but
fearful to hear what his gruff friend had to report.
    “ We found the patrol’s tracks
leading in from the east,” from the direction of the Dor. “The
tracks end at the rim of the circle, about fifty yards east of
where we’re standing.”
    They hurried over to where Ob had indicated,
to see what there was to see. “You see, these tracks,” said Ob.
“They get cut off right at the rim of the circle. No evidence they
stopped or turned about. Someone must’ve blotted out the
    “ Or some thing,” said
    “ Oh my, I’m feeling faint,” said
Tanch. He leaned against Dolan for

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