there were no requirements, other than that there be a nice singing part for Hortense.”
“Is Monsieur Talma to help you?” The famous actor regularly directed plays for the theatre-mad Bonapartes in their private theatre at Malmaison.
“If I agree to do it.”
“Why not?” asked Jane.
Emma toyed with the edge of her fan. Nervous hands, her mother had called it, as if one could be scolded to serenity. “I don’t mind scribbling in my spare time, but it seems cruel to inflict it on a whole audience. Just look at Mr. Whittlesby!”
“But he brings amusement to so many,” said Jane blandly.
“Laughing with him or at him? Ha! My point.” Emma cast around for a change of subject before Jane pressed on about the masque—or about Mr. Whittlesby. Emma pointed with her fan. “Look. That man over there. Another of your admirers? He’s been staring at us for a good ten minutes.”
Seeing he had caught their attention, the man moved hesitantly forward. He was dressed correctly for evening, in breeches, silk stockings, and buckled shoes, but the clothes were all slightly wrong somehow, the coat last season’s cut, the shirt points too low, the cravat functionally but not elegantly tied.
He came to a stop before Emma and Jane, looking from one to the other. “If you’ll pardon the interruption…I was told I could find Madame Delagardie here?”
His French was heavily accented, so heavily accented as to be nearly incomprehensible. Another American. That explained that, then. Emma had become something of a first port of call for American expatriates in Paris, a convenient resource for the complicated manners and mores of the French capital. “Call on Madame Delagardie,” they told them back home. “She’ll arrange the introductions for you and point you to a tailor who won’t rob you blind.” And so she did and was glad to do it. She would have been glad of such guidance once.
Emma let the fronds of her fan tickle her chin as she looked up under her lashes at the newcomer. “Your quest has been successful, then. You’ve found her. Me,” she specified, just in case he hadn’t gotten it. Poor man, he was still looking all befuddled. Paris did that to some people.
This one seemed more than usually bewildered. Twin furrows formed between his wide-set blue eyes. “Emma?” he said. “
“Do I know—?” The words died on Emma’s lips. Blue eyes. Very familiar blue eyes. Slim the shoulders, lighten the hair, take away a decade’s worth of lines from eyes and lips.…“Kort?”
“Gracious heavens!” Rising on her tiptoes, Emma flung her arms around her cousin’s neck, enveloping him in silver spangles and causing a minor stir on the other side of the room. The rumors would be flying, but Emma didn’t care. “It’s you? It’s really you?”
Kort untangled himself, drawing away to arm’s length, clasping her hands lightly in his, his laughter making him look ten years younger again,a boy on a pier on the Hudson. “I was about to say the same to you! I’ve been prowling this mausoleum all evening trying to find you.” He shook his head, taking her in. “Emma. Little Emma.”
Emma smiled up at him. “I haven’t grown so very much. In fact, I’ve shrunk.” She turned one foot, displaying her flat-heeled slippers. The diamond rings on her toes sparkled. “The last time you saw me, I had some help from heels.”
Kort blinked, dazzled by diamonds. He shook his head again. “Emma…I would never have known you. I expected…”
“A thirteen-year-old in calico?” A slight shift in Jane’s stance caught Emma’s attention. “Good heavens, I am being rude! Forgive me, please. Jane, this is my very favorite cousin, Mr. Kortright Livingston. Kort, I have the honor to present you to the most beautiful woman in Paris, Miss Jane Wooliston.”
Jane bent her knees at just the right angle, only so far for a mister, and an American one. As far as Emma could tell, the