looked to be newly constructed. Catriona glanced up and shivered as they rode beneath a portcullis that ended with gleaming spikes. When they entered the bailey, she could see ruins on the cliffs before the sea. There was a point to the right that still jutted into the sea and looked wild indeed. Smoke rose from a number of fires in the encampment of tents and there was a steady sound of chisel on stone.
The keep itself looked forbidding, a large square tower rising from the earth. It had at least two stories and a wing to the north was being completed with all haste. Beyond that was a structure that could have been a stable, save it was too large for the few horses grazing outside of it.
Catriona stared with no small wonder. Here was a keep that would not be easily besieged. Whoever built it intended to defend it.
And to sleep well within its walls, confident of his safety.
Lady Vivienne and Laird Erik had dismounted and left their steeds stamping outside the newly constructed hall. Two men who might have been laborers greeted them there. Both wore only chausses and boots, both were tanned and muscled. It was their boots that revealed their status, for even at a distance, Catriona could see that they were tall boots, wrought of fine leather, as favored by noblemen.
The one whom the lady embraced must be her brother.
Ruari harrumphed. “Returned Malcolm is to reclaim his legacy, it is clear. He must have a fat purse to be rebuilding the hall in stone and to pay all these masons, never mind to build at such speed.”
“Is it all newly built?”
“Aye, save the far end of the stables.”
Catriona was astonished.
The older man gave her a grim look. “Do you wager his wealth is honestly gained?”
“Where did this brother go when he left his lands?”
“To seek his fortune.” Ruari flicked her a look. “Which is fair enough, save he chose to do so as a mercenary, on the continent.”
“A mercenary?” A shiver slipped through Catriona at that. She knew more than enough about mercenaries and would have been glad to never cross paths with another. No wonder he understood the art of defensive construction.
“What is a mercenary, Ruari?” Mairi asked.
“A man who offers his blade for hire. A man with no honor in his soul, who will do whatever needs be done for a price. They are murderers and thieves, and worse besides.”
“I should like to meet one,” Mairi declared.
“You should be fortunate never to do so,” Catriona snapped, her tone sufficiently harsh that even Mairi was silenced—for the moment.
“Never was there greater truth spoken.” Ruari slowed the horses, then spat into the dirt. “They do not speak of Malcolm at Kinfairlie, for Laird Alexander did not approve of his choice.”
“And so he should not,” Catriona agreed with vigor. “I suppose such a man would understand how to best build defenses.”
“And wicked quick,” Ruari said. “He was not home at the Yule, I know this well.”
Catriona eyed the building with even more wonder. “All this in mere months. Why such haste?”
“It may be ill-gotten gold, not sorcery at work,” Ruari commented grimly. “But either way, the wickedness continues, you mark my words.”
“But where are the ravens?” Mairi demanded. “I want to see the laird speak with them.”
“I want to see the ghost,” Catherine insisted.
“And we need to hide in the secret passages!” Astrid added.
“If Fortune is with you, you will see none of this,” Ruari said firmly. “For we shall be away to Kinfairlie within moments.”
But when Lady Vivienne turned to the cart beaming with pleasure, Catriona feared it would not be so. If her brother’s nature was so dark, how could she be so glad to see him returned? Or was she blind to his true nature? Catriona had only to recall her own mother and father to remember that women could sorely misjudge men.
Lady Vivienne beckoned to the children, and the older girls needed no more