The Force Unleashed
security link.
    Oblivious to her scrutiny, he turned back to the viewport and examined the
    lightsaber in his hands. Starkiller waited, immobile, as though he could have knelt
    there all night.
    Finally Vader spoke again.
    "My spies have been watching another Jedi. Kazdan Paratus is hiding on the junk
    world of Raxus Prime."
    "I'll deal with him as I dealt with Rahm Kota," said Starkiller unhesitatingly.
    Well, that's that, thought Juno, abandoning all hope of sleep that night. No rest
    for the wicked. She moved to disconnect and get ready for the call to arms, but her
    finger hovered over the switch, unable to let the moment go. Her position was an
    illicit but privileged one, and hard to abandon.
    Vader looked up from the lightsaber and turned to face the young man kneeling before
    "Kazdan Paratus is far more powerful than you," the black-masked figure said,
    filling her with apprehension. "I do not expect you to survive. But should you
    succeed, you will be one step closer to your destiny."
    Starkiller nodded eagerly. "The Emperor."
    "Yes. Only together can we defeat him."
    "I will not fail you, Lord..."
    Juno's finger stabbed down hard on the cutoff switch and she recoiled into her
    chair. Apprehension had become pure horror. Could she possibly have heard correctly?
    The Emperor? Vader and his dark apprentice were going to betray the Emperor?
    No, she told herself, getting up from her chair and pacing back and forth across the
    small room. It couldn't be true. There must be more to it than she thought. Perhaps
    if she'd kept listening...
    When she tried to get the feed back, the connection was gone. The screen remained
    resolutely blank, as though taunting her fearful concerns.
    Darth Vader had been the Palpatine's right-hand man for as long as the Emperor had
    been in power. It was inconceivable that he would turn on his Master now. Even if he
    was considering it, what could he and one scruffy agent do against Imperial Guards
    and well-armed aides who attended the Emperor everywhere he went? The thought was
    preposterous. She had to put it out of her mind as a product of fatigue and go about
    her duty as though nothing had happened.
    It wasn't as if she could turn either of them in on such flimsy evidence. If she
    tried, she'd be killed for sure, whether the accusation was true or not...
    Right on cue, her communicator buzzed.
    "Yes?" she said, speaking as though nothing untoward had happened.
    Page 19
    "I need you in the Rogue Shadow," Starkiller informed her, as she had known he
    would. "We have a new mission." "I'll be right there."
    She took a moment to smooth her uniform and her hair, and to rub the dark circles
    under her eyes, then she hurriedly shut down her datapad and left the room.

    The junk world of Raxus Prime was in the Tion Hegemony on the Outer Rim, so there
    was time during the journey for both her and Starkiller to refresh and research
    their objectives. He was as distracted as she felt, much to her relief. He kept
    asking PROXY to repeat details he had missed while deep in thought. Eventually he
    excused himself to enter the ship's small meditation chamber and gather his
    She did the same, in her own way, by reclining her seat and putting her feet up on
    the instrument panel. There was time at last for that short nap she had promised
    But everything she had learned in the previous few hours kept circling through her
    mind, making it hard for her to relax. For the hundredth time, she reminded herself
    to forget Vader and the Emperor and concentrate on the mission at hand. If she was
    going to have insomnia, she might as well think about something useful.
    Kazdan Paratus was an odd beast by anyone's definition. PROXY was unable to
    reproduce his form because all physical details of this particular Jedi had been
    erased from the records-perhaps by the paranoid old Master himself. Patchy Jedi
    history files accredited him

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