The Firefighter's Girl

Read The Firefighter's Girl for Free Online

Book: Read The Firefighter's Girl for Free Online
Authors: Natasha Knight
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction, BDSM, Romantic Erotica
pain quickly becoming an all-consuming fire on her backside and upper thighs. She called out and grunted, struggling all along while his big hand rained down her punishment, each stinging blow calling tears from her eyes. Her focus at first was the pain, the sheer pain of a hard bare bottom spanking. Each smack stung more than she could remember a hand spanking could sting, and as he continued, not giving her a moment to recover between smacks, that sting developed into a hot, throbbing pain. The sound of flesh striking flesh filled the room and around that sound was her own sniffling, her crying, her groans and eventually, her begging for him to stop, that she’d had enough.
    After some time, he paused, resting his heavy hand on her hot bottom. She had stopped struggling just moments before and now forced her attention to her breathing, trying to calm herself, hoping it was over. “I don’t want to punish you, but I care enough about you to do this, Rebecca,” he said. “You need to leave him. You need to just get out of there before it’s too late.”
    The only person who had ever cared enough about her to give her the time of day had been Amelia. Jeff was using her, she knew it, and Sawyer saying it made it impossible to deny. Friends? She had none to speak of, not real friends. Every now and then, she would have a drink with a colleague but that was all that was, that was all they were: colleagues. Some were more sympathetic than others, but they weren’t really friends. She had always kept her true thoughts and feelings to herself. She had learned to do it so well, she even could keep the truth from herself.
    Sawyer had, over the course of his therapy, managed to get her to trust him again. She realized part of that was because of their brief relationship all those years ago, but when she had left then, she had thought she hated him, hated him for humiliating her like he had that last night. But truly, wasn’t he just doing then what he was doing now? Taking care of her in his own way? All she knew now was that even lying over his lap with her bottom exposed and on fire, she felt safer than she had ever felt in all the years without him.
    No, surely there was something wrong with her. The man had just upended her over his lap, stripped off her panties to bare her bottom and thoroughly spanked her, and she trusted him?
    * * *
    Sawyer looked down at her still form, at her pretty, naked, red bottom that throbbed with heat just beneath his hand. She had been crying from the start and just a moment ago, her body had been relaxed, he had felt her soften and give herself over to him. But something had just happened in her head because her body language changed completely.
    For a moment, he questioned the validity of what he had just done. He had become angry at the restaurant, angry at her for not seeing logic and reason. He wasn’t angry with Jeff, not exactly. Jeff was a jerk. But one could only be taken advantage of if she allowed that of herself and the stakes had just gone up with her suspecting that they were dealing drugs. Did she have any idea what could happen to her if she were implicated or even linked at all with them when—and he meant when, not if—they got caught?
    Sawyer wished he could see her face, see what she was thinking. Did she hate him now for having done this?
    “Have you had enough?” he asked, his tone no longer stern, but gentle.
    She nodded with a quiet, “yes.”
    He lifted her up and sat her on his lap, pushing the hair from her face, wiping at her tears with his fingers. And when she began to cry again quietly, he held her face to his chest, his own heart breaking with her pain.
    “If you need a place to stay, I have an extra room that you’re welcome to use for as long as you need to. Just get out of there, Rebecca. Get away from him. Don’t let him drag you down with him.”
    She pushed at his chest and wiped her face, stumbling to her feet. Without looking at him, she

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