The Firebrand

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Book: Read The Firebrand for Free Online
Authors: Susan Wiggs
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
denser the mob grew. The river was choked with boats and barges trying to get out onto the open water. The taller ones couldn't clear the bridges, and many caught fire as they waited for the bridges to rotate. As Lucy watched, a boy climbed the rigging of a sloop and scrambled up to the bridge, hoisted by someone in the crowd. But for the most part, people stampeded across in heedless terror, dropping things along the way, pushing strangers aside in ruthless terror.
    Lucy's father, Colonel Hiram B. Hathaway, always said that a disaster brought out the best and worst in people, and she realized that she was witnessing the truth of it— timid men performing acts of heroism, pillars of society trampling the wounded in their haste to get to safety.
    Her parents lived in the tree-shaded splendor of an elegant neighborhood to the north, but that didn't mean her family was safe. Aggressive, blustering and imperative, the Colonel, as he was known even though he was retired, had a public spirit that would not rest. If the city was burning, he was bound to launch himself into the thick of things.
    A decorated war veteran, he was an expert in ammunition and explosives. This would make him particularly useful to those in charge of fighting the fire. The fire companies had resorted to blowing up the buildings in the path of the fire, robbing it of fuel. No doubt the Colonel would be directing the operations, his
    bewhiskered face ablaze with energy as he planned strategy to battle the flames.
    In the midst of danger and mayhem, the thought of her father brought Lucy a needed measure of fortitude. Though he often grew exasperated with his outspoken daughter, the Colonel never treated her with anything less than respect. From a long line of old New England bluebloods, he was a gentleman to his core. He'd attended West Point, married the most socially prominent girl in Chicago and had distinguished himself in battle at Kenaha Falls, Bull Run and Vicksburg.
    But as she grew up, Lucy came to realize that his love and devotion to her and her mother manifested itself in a protectiveness so fierce it was stifling. The Colonel tried to shield his daughter from everything—hunger, hurt, ugliness. He didn't understand mat, in protecting her from what he considered life's ills, he was walling her off from life itself.
    When she asked after the state of his business affairs, he would brush aside her queries, declaring that she needn't worry her pretty head about such vulgar matters. While her mother was ready enough to accept his patronizing ways, Lucy was indignant.
    "For one thing," she once said to him, "my head is not pretty. For another, I can decide for myself what is worrisome and what is not."
    Yet for all their differences, they shared a deep love and respect for each other, and Lucy said a silent prayer for her father's safety.
    Reflecting on the evening at the Hotel Royale, she felt more foolish than ever. Of all the social outrages she had committed, tonight's faux pas had been the worst. When people looked back on this date, they would recall it as the night Chicago had burned to the ground.
    But not Lucy. For the rest of her life, she would remember a far different disaster—this was the night she had brazenly propositioned a married man.

Chapter Four

    "Did you see what Mrs. Pullman was wearing?" Diana asked as she and Rand left the Hotel Royale. Brushing impatiently at a flurry of sparks that flew around the hem of her gown, she added, "Her jewels were positively vulgar. She wasn't nearly as vulgar as that snippy little suffragist you were entertaining, though. If not for her family name, she'd be a pariah, wouldn't she, Randolph?"
    Knowing she didn't expect a response, Rand tucked her hand more firmly into the crook of his arm and scanned the roadway. They had only been in Chicago for a short while, so he was unfamiliar with the city. But the streets were laid out in a neat grid, and he knew they had to head north to Water Street,

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