The Fall of Society (Book 2): The Fight of Society

Read The Fall of Society (Book 2): The Fight of Society for Free Online

Book: Read The Fall of Society (Book 2): The Fight of Society for Free Online
Authors: Thonas Rand
Tags: Zombies
they forced her to the edge, crying and begging for her life, and they killed her. She hit the deck in a dead heap, but didn’t fall over. A sailor kicked her over the edge.
                The senator watched with tearful eyes, but wiped them quickly when two sailors approached him.
                “Sir, I’m going to need you to remove your jacket,” one of them said.
                His was too scared to say anything so he just took off his jacket quietly.
                The sailors looked at him from all angles and they didn’t see any trace of blood.
                “Okay, sir, can you please open your shirt and roll up your sleeves,” another said.
                The senator finally found some courage, “This is ridiculous, I haven’t been bitten.”
                “I’m sure you haven’t, sir, but I’m following the captain’s orders. Now please, open your shirt and roll up your sleeves.”
                He undid his tie, unbuttoned his shirt and rolled up his sleeves, the sailors looked him over and he had no signs of any wounds.
                “Thank you, sir, you can button your shirt.”
                The senator buttoned his shirt and he was clearly annoyed. “When can I get some food and something to drink, sailor?” he asked.
                “Once we’re done here, we’ll be taking you below where we have temporary lodgings in hangar bay two. Food and drinks will be waiting for you there, sir,” the sailor explained.
                “Fine, can we go now?” the senator asked as he finished buttoning his shirt.
                “No, sir, we’re not done here,” the sailor said.
                “What?” the senator said incredulously.
                “I need you to remove your shoes and socks, and then raise your pant legs as high as they’ll go, if you will, please,” the sailor ordered.
                “This is ridiculous!” the senator spat.
                “Captain’s orders, sir,” the sailor reiterated.
                “Where is the captain? I want to speak with him!”
                “The captain is unavailable, sir. Please remove your shoes and socks and raise your pant legs.”
                “Do you know who I am?”
                “Yes, Senator, I do. You’re one of the senators that voted on military budget cuts, I know exactly who you are,” the sailor said and raised his rifle toward him. “Now do as I say.”
                “Fine!” he said and removed his left shoe and sock, and then pulled up his pant leg to his knee, exposing his extremely white calf, which was wound-free. “Satisfied now?”
                “Now the right leg, sir.”
                “You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?” the senator snickered as he untied the laces on his expensive shoe.
                “No, sir, I’m just following—”
                “—The captain’s orders, I know!” the senator barked.
                The lace on his right shoe got knotted up and he couldn’t untie it.
                “Goddamit!” he muttered in frustration.
                The sailor produced a pocket knife, “Here, sir, cut it off.”
                “Are you insane, these are five hundred dollar shoes!” He continued to struggle with it.
                “Sir, I need you to remove your shoe immediately,” the sailor ordered.
                “Fuck!” the senator growled at the lace. “Okay, okay, fine!” the senator shouted and gave up on the lace. He stood up, unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants down to his ankles.
                “There, are you happy now?” the senator shouted as he threw his arms up in surrender. “Is this humiliating enough for

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