The Failsafe Prophecies
couldn’t leave them.”
    She stared at the skulls dangling from
his hand and her mind flashed back on her life. She may have made
an extraordinary change from who she’d always been. It still felt
all too new, though, and there was much about her power she didn’t
yet understand. The worst part was that without Solomon to guide
her any longer, she feared she’d never know.
    “You have a good heart Rodrigo. I
can’t fault you for that.” She moved to the fire and used the hook
to pull out the cauldron hanging inside. “Place them
    He walked over and did as she
    For a brief moment she closed her eyes
and drew her power, then directed it through her palms at the
cauldron. A white light extended from her hands to the black pot.
When the energy hit the cauldron, the entire thing began to glow a
pale yellow-green before the energy sealed at the top.
    “They’ll be safe there until I can
consult with Ivin. She is the kindest witch I know. She shares your
heart. If there is a way to help these poor souls, she and I will
find it.” She smiled, feeling honestly confident for a
    “Thank you, Bala.” He reached out,
took both her hands and squeezed them. “There is something
    She laughed. “Of course there is.
Would you like to rethink that tea?”
    “You two talk. I will go get us some
bread and ale.” Luxe offered.
    “Darling, I don’t want…” She began to
    “And tea for you, my darling.” He
chuckled and left the room.
    “He’s the most gracious king I’ve ever
met.” Rigo chuckled.
    “We are so strange aren’t we?” She
rubbed her hands in the heat of the fire for a moment, then turned
away from it.
    “Everyone is strange in Elethiya,
Bala. I don’t think anyone thinks otherwise.”
    She gestured for him to take a seat on
the small floral sofa, and she took a spot in a pale green wing
chair, pushing the ottoman aside with her foot.
    “We are a land of strangelings from
all over creation. Here because we’ve been cursed, or exiled, or
are on a mission, assigned as protectors.”
    She thought about his words, about the
people she’d come to know since coming to Elethiya. “Aye, you’re so
    She smiled, feeling warm and
    “Honestly, Bala, this is what I wanted
to talk to you about. How much did Solomon teach you about the
planets and the zodiac of this realm?”
    She shook her head. Of all the things
she thought he may want to discuss with her, that never even
crossed her mind.
    “Uh… that they are the
gate keepers. The planets. Sentient souls holding the balance
between realms. The zodiac sections are actually gates to the
twelve realms of the universe. We didn’t spend too much time on
this, but the reason we came here was because he told me Earth was
pivotal in the balance of light and dark, because it was the only place where all the other realms
connected. When the spell was cast to bring all the royals out of
the Marrow as she fell to the dark, it was decided Earth because of
that connection. It’s central to everything. And, of course,
Elethiya was chosen because of the portal and the falls.” She was
confused as to why he wanted to know about any of this, and
frustrated that she didn’t know more.
    She twisted her fingers together and
watched the firelight play on his features.
    He grabbed his long hair in his hand
and pulled it behind him, twisted it, then let it fall over his
left shoulder.
    “I don’t think this event is random. I
think whoever is behind it has been waiting on the timing. I don’t
know enough about the astrology, but I thought there may be clues
we could exploit, find some way to know what they’re planning, or
at least, what’s possible. Saturn is one hell of a big gate keeper
and he just moved out of Scorpio, didn’t he?”
    “Yes. And the sun has been there once
since.” She tried to recall anything Solomon may have said to her
about this.
    “That feels resonant to me.” Rigo

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