The Facility

Read The Facility for Free Online

Book: Read The Facility for Free Online
Authors: Charles Arnold
Tags: Erótica
It would be impossible. But the hot flow between her parted legs made her look up at the screen and whisper, “I promise to try my best, Madam Khe. I will obey and be grateful.”
    “You see, Mrs. Ryan,” Madam Khe continued, “it is all a matter of control. As your need increases, the things we require of you will, shall we say, become more demanding, more unusual. In time, without chemicals, Miko’s suggestions or coercion, you will be trained to obey just as a dog is trained. When it runs and fetches, rolls over, or walks on its hind legs, it receives a bone. Now, as we are beginning to observe, your need to cum is much more compelling than a dog’s desire for a small treat. Since your need is so great, we think your efforts to please will exceed our expectations. Do you understand, Mrs. Ryan?”
    Kathy, feeling the thousands of pinpricks of heat along her slit and far up into her vagina, had heard little of Madam Khe’s speech. However, she nodded her head. Miko now stood before her holding up a device that looked strangely familiar. “It is a clitoral brush,” Madam Khe explained. “I believe Miko introduced you to it several weeks ago in your home, after you had serviced Abul there.”
    As the horrible memory of that night began to return, Kathy pushed it from her mind. She stared at the dull metal cap, which enclosed a round brush of soft bristles no more than a quarter of an inch long. “As you no doubt remember,” Madam Khe continued, “the stimulator is operated by a remote control. When you are in service or are being trained, one of your Masters will decide if you’ve earned a reward. With the remote control, you may be further stimulated or, if you have performed exceptionally well, the Master may let you cum.”
    “You mean no one will...will penetrate me and I cannot...cannot touch myself?”
    “No, never. While you are here, no one will touch you there except Miko when she applies the salve. No male will take you there nor will you receive any oral contact. You may never use your fingers to get yourself off. If you are able to earn an orgasm, it will be delivered by the mechanical device Miko is now preparing for you to wear. Your Masters will choose if you are to cum and when you are to cum.”
    Miko had coated the upper part of Kathy’s pubic area with a sticky substance. Over this, she placed a small horseshoe shaped metal seal no thicker than a sheet of paper. The open end of the horseshoe faced downward. The metal seal quickly adhered to Kathy skin. Over the metal horseshoe, Miko placed the cap. Then, Miko pressed a button on the remote, which activated a magnetic field between the seal and the cap. There was a slight click as the surfaces met. As she had on that fateful night after Abul had left, Kathy now felt against her clitoris the soft circular brush.
    “It will be your best friend while you are here,” Madam Khe said. “No,” she amended, “that’s wrong. It will be your only friend. As you can see, the cap covers your vaginal orifice and your clitoris. Your pee hole is unobstructed. During your stay, the cap will be removed only for treatments with the stimulating ointment.”
    “But when...,” Kathy began.
    “When will we let you cum?” Madam Khe interrupted. “When you have earned it. Tonight you may be given an opportunity to show us how great your need has become.”
    “I...I’ll do anything,” Kathy pleaded.
    “We will see, Mrs. Ryan, we will see.” The screen went blank. Kathy was fed a substantial meal, then a warm drink, which put her to sleep until late in the afternoon.
    When she awakened, she was first given an enema, then told to take a bath. While she was bathing, Miko and Mi Jong, following Madam Khe’s instructions, laid out the cosmetics, the oil, the perfumes, and the clothes with which they were to prepare Kathy for the evening’s entertainment. Mi Jong held out to Miko a handful of the tiny hollow acupuncture needles. “How many?” she

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