The Elementalist : Next of Kin: The Kothian Chronicles

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Book: Read The Elementalist : Next of Kin: The Kothian Chronicles for Free Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
replied not being entirely truthful.
    "Right I got us this far, how are you going to get us over the water?" Connor said turning his head up to look at Maxim.
    Maxim of course had not thought that bit through. Not even knowing if they were going the right way or not, he had not even considered how they might cross such an expanse of water. "Hmm...I am still working on that one," he eventually replied.
    "You don't know do you?"
    Maxim grimaced a little, "Not really no...However, I am sure I'll think of something. I mean they must have boats and the like around the water's edge," he added straining to see if he could make any out.
    As they rode down the incline leading to the lake, it was a journey that took much longer than he thought. The water seemed to look much closer than it actually was, and the track leading to it was not as direct as it might have been. Instead, the builders of the pathway had followed the slope of the hill, swinging one way then the other as they descended. From their advantageous position, Maxim did spot what looked like a small fishing village a few miles further up water set in a small cove, which he pointed out to Connor, "I bet there are boats there," he said smugly.
    "Probably, but unless you have found some money from somewhere we'll have to steal...I mean borrow one," Connor replied putting a bit of a dampener on the whole idea.
    As they neared the waters edge Maxim was drawn to an explosion of light far over the other side of the lake. It lasted little more than a few moments before vanishing away, but got his attention as to what might just have caused such a strange phenomenon. It was then he realised Connor's directions had actually bought him closer to where he wanted to be than he had initially thought. "I think that is Denley over there," he said as much to himself as the youngster sitting in front of him. Connor placed a hand over his eyes as if doing so would help him see any better, "Never heard of it," he eventually replied.
    "That's exactly where I want to go, and something tells me the sooner I get there the better for all concerned," he added feeling a sudden urgency was required.
    They made their way right down to the water's edge, and stood upon the stony beach trying to figure a way across. Other than making their way further up shore towards the small fishing village they had spotted earlier, they had no other option. "Can you not magic us across," Connor asked happy to be walking on his two feet rather than sat on the horse.
    "I think I can's all quite new to me... but I am almost certain I could not manage that kind of distance...especially with you as well," he added just in case Connor thought he meant to leave him behind.
    "If it helps I'll stay Sir," the youngster finally said with a sad looking face.
    "Not going to happen," Maxim replied almost instantly. There was no way he was going to leave youngster to a life of misery once more. "Come on... we'll head to that village we spotted earlier and borrow a boat," he said proffering a hand down so they youngster could clamber back up on to the horse. Connor smiled, and although he much preferred walking to riding, he accepted the offer.
    Deciding it was easier for their horse to walk on the solid ground rather than the uneven stone beach of the lake, they moved just a little away from the water's edge. They had barely travelled another fifteen minutes when they rounded one of the many coves along the shoreline to see several figures stood around what he could only describe as a flat topped barge positioned high up on the shoreline. Among the group, he could see several adults and a child, as well as enough horses for each, and it appeared they were at a loss as to what to do.
    "Perhaps they are looking to cross as well," Connor said chuckling at one of the men gesticulating wildly with his arms, clearly not happy with the others in the group. It was not what he saw that suddenly sparked

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