The Elementalist : Next of Kin: The Kothian Chronicles

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Book: Read The Elementalist : Next of Kin: The Kothian Chronicles for Free Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
had envisaged and still not won, his concerns now, were for Pitford. If Katria's warnings were true, the mountain tribes were little more than a few days ride away, and if he did not get back there in time to meet them, he feared for what might happen.
    Thankfully, so far, his casualties had been light, although any loss was more than he could really afford. He placed his remaining magicians, many of whom were still little more than children, among the soldiers spread out across the defensive line they had made. With a mix of wooden furniture, upturned carts and bales of straw, they had created a line of makeshift barriers from which to hold their positions, and although by no means perfect for the situation, they would suffice.
    Ramon walked around those at the front line, and although weary from his exploits, he felt it the least he could do. Both young and old stood side-by-side, soldier next to magician or farmhand, and in some small way he realised that whatever happened, he had gained some small moral victory if nothing else. He had feared the locals of Denley might have been afraid of both himself and those with him that had magical abilities, but any prejudices there had been, had now been brushed aside.

    Chapter 5.
    Maxim awoke to find Connor, his young companion, already up and adding wood to the small they had built the previous night. "This is the last of the food Sir," the youngster said opening the bundle to reveal a chunk of bread and a little cheese. Maxim yawned, stretching his arms out before taking a look for himself. Although he could have quite happily devoured what bit they had left, all by himself, he smiled at his new friend, "Break it in half and we'll share what we have," he said.
    The young Bosarian was clearly pleased by his words, and did as was asked, handing Maxim the slightly larger of the two pieces. The bread was all but stale, but washed down with plenty of water, would be enough at least to keep any hunger pains away. The cheese was hard and starting to turn, but he knew only too well that food should not be wasted, and ate his share without fuss.
    "We'll find something else on our travels," he said to Connor, although not really trusting his own words.
    "We don't have any coin left Sir," the youngster replied a little sullenly.
    Maxim gave a wry smile. He had already stolen a horse, money, and even the cloak on his back, and he supposed adding a little food to that list would not make a lot of difference. "Then we will have to borrow some then won't we," he replied, "Although we shall have to try and do so discreetly," he added not wanting a repeat of their performance a few days earlier.
    Connor chuckled, "I am as quiet as a mouse Sir, it is you that goes throwing people all over the place, drawing attention to us," he said. Maxim could not help but laugh along, and despite the two being from warring nations, he felt he had a bond with Connor, an understanding of the youngsters suffering. Quite what would happen to Connor when Maxim got back to Pitford he was unsure, although he hoped perhaps some caring foster parents could be found for him.
    After eating their meagre meal, and re-saddling their horse, the two young friends continued on their journey. Maxim had relied on Connor's assistance in pointing them in what they hoped was the right direction. The young lad had willingly spoken to a few of the passersby they had encountered en-route to get directions, and Maxim hoped that as long as they went the way they were sent, using the Great Lake as a target they would be close to where he wanted to be.
    By late morning, he saw a most welcome sight as they crossed over the brow of a hill. Below them lay a massive body of water, and he knew beyond that was home. "See I told you I could find us the way there," Connor piped up feeling quite proud of his achievements. Maxim nodded and smiled, "You did, and I never doubted you," he

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