to her back was loaded and primed for firing. “I also gathered some of my medical supplies from back at the house and brought them along just in case. I know you can heal fast, but part of the reason you’re standing there right now is because of my mixes. And look.” Marona reached into one of her satchels that hung from the band around her waist. “Explosives,” she said with a mischievous smile. “Look, I don’t want anybody to die today either, but if somebody does, it’s not going to be me… or you.”
“I can’t tell you what to do. If you’re going to tag along and we come across any of the guard, stay behind me and snipe from a distance. Use the terrain to stay out of sight. If one of the king’s lieutenants comes around, run. You can’t take them head on. Don’t look back. Don’t stop and try to help me. You run. Understand? You honestly have no idea what they are capable of. It could be anything. So don’t try to step in if you’re outmatched. I can handle myself.”
The smile that was once across Marona’s face straightened as her brain began to process what had just been spoken.
“Yeah, I follow… but how will I know if I see one?”
Emil’s demeanor changed as he continued to look deeply into Marona’s eyes. Her face remained sober , but underneath the stone exterior she presented, she could feel the tension welling up inside of her. A sudden pulse of blue light flickered from Emil’s hand. The reflection only intensified the look in his eyes. Marona jerked back at the emergence of the sudden wisp of light but quickly calmed herself by remembering that Emil was on her side.
“The k ing’s men… they all have abilities like myself. Exceptional speed, durability, and physical strength all seem to be the common point between us, but we each have our own unique abilities as well. Other than that, the crest that they wear often denotes their power. The common people know them as lieutenants, but each of them are part of an elite group inside the king’s ranks called Legion.”
“How come I haven’t heard of them before?”
“While they do have powers, without them they are still at an advantage when in battle with normal human beings. Aside from that, if they do have to resort to using their abilities, it’s often covered up or left up to speculation. It’s easy to get away with some things in the heat of battle without causing a scene if it involves physical abilities. Even if one of them were to resort to other means, I’m sure The Guard is under an oath of some sort. They’re becoming more aggressive now. I can tell it’s getting harder for them to cover their tracks. That’s why things are the way they are now…”
“What do you mean?”
“They’re expanding their reach. The Legion. The Guard. All of them. You haven’t noticed?”
“Notice d what?”
“Nothing. It’s safer if I don’t tell you everything right away. Not until we’re somewhere private , at least. Just know that we’re the good guys and anything you hear from the king is a lie.”
“What about your powers? Are those off limits too?”
“I have the ability to project energy from my body.”
“Well, what type of energy is it? It looked like lightning ,” Marona asked as she carefully examined his hand from a distance.
“Not sure . I just know it comes from me. When I use it too frequently or too much at once, it drains me. Other than that, I can tap into it and use it to fortify my body or enhance my physical abilities.”
“Does it hurt when you use it? I saw you kill a man with your touch alone.”
“Me? No. Them? Yes. And I can change the intensity of it at will. Right now for example, if you were to touch my hand it would do nothing to you.”
Marona cautiously inched her hand towards the light resonating from Emil’s palm, not sure of what to think of his sudden offer.
“Go on,” he insisted as her hand hovered over his.
Marona looked up at him reluctantly before her