The Alpha's Virgin Witch

Read The Alpha's Virgin Witch for Free Online

Book: Read The Alpha's Virgin Witch for Free Online
Authors: Sam Crescent
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Paranormal
you both to
be ready.”

Chapter Four
    “Do you really want to go out with them?” Bianca
    Lucy smiled over at her friend. Adele and Kyle were in
the kitchen talking about some pack stuff while they waited for Caleb and Guy
to knock on the door.
    “I don’t want to go out with Caleb.”
    “Then why did you agree?”
    “You like Guy, right?” she asked, seeing her friend
blush at the question.
    “I don’t know.”
    “You don’t have to worry about the answer.”
    Bianca frowned. “I don’t know what I feel.”
    “Try, I won’t laugh, and I won’t judge. This is you
being able to do and say what you like.”
    She heard her friend sigh.
    “I don’t know. Thinking about him now, it scares me
that I’m going to be with him tonight. When I’m with him, something seems to
shift inside me, and I don’t know what to do with myself. My body, it comes
alive. I can’t control it, and I want to be with him. Does that make any
    “It does.” Lucy thought about Caleb like that. Today
when he was touching her, he was setting her body aflame, but she wasn’t
afraid. She missed that, she really did.
    Biting her lip, she stared down at her hands. Being
around Caleb was going to be a kind of torture in itself. She did find him
attractive, and the fact he knew that didn’t help. He made her nervous,
excited, and thrilled to be with him.
    “What about Caleb? Why do you want to date him?”
    “He asked me.”
    “That’s all?”
    “Yeah. It’s not like anything can happen between Caleb
and me. We’re completely different.”
    “Opposites sometimes attract.”
    “A witch and a wolf? I doubt it. He’s probably dating
me as a favor to his dad or something. This has nothing to do with me.” Even as
she said the words, it cut deep. She wanted someone to love her, to adore her,
and to fall for her. Lucy wanted want her own parents had. Her own life
confused her. She had two sets of parents. The first pair she didn’t know, but the
second was Adele and Kyle. They were her mom and dad.
    “It could happen. There’s no rule to state that he’s
got to mate to another wolf.”
    She laughed. “Look at the pack, Bianca. There’s only
wolf mating with wolf. It’s okay, really. In time, I’ll go and find my own guy
from my own kind.”
    Someone knocked on the door, and she got to her feet
to answer it, happy to be doing something. The more she sat and thought about
how alone she was, the harder it was for her to not cry. For too long she’d
been by herself, and she didn’t want to be anymore.
    Opening the door she saw Caleb and Guy dressed in
jeans and plain white shirts. They both filled them out well, but her gaze was
on Caleb.
    “Are you going to invite us in?” Caleb asked.
    “She is. Don’t be rude, Lucy,” Adele said.
    “Sorry, Mom.” She made sure there was enough room for
them to come inside. Bianca had entered the room, and Lucy watched as Guy went
straight to her. The mystical aura was between them again, and she couldn’t
help but watch. The power was unlike anything she’d seen. Their energy pulled
toward each other, and tilting her head to the side, she watched both as they wrapped
around each other. Their wolves were trying to grab each other, and Lucy
couldn’t help but smile.
    A hand waved in front of her face, and she blinked
away the image.
    “Are you okay?” Caleb asked.
    “Yes, I’m okay.” She couldn’t tell him what she’d
seen. The powers that had been dormant inside her were growing fast, and she
was terrified. No one in the pack understood what she was going through, and
she didn’t know who to turn to. There was no one in the pack with powers.
    “Hey.” Caleb caught her face in his hands, and the
fear building within her stopped. “That’s it, look at me, and take it easy.
Nothing is going to hurt you. You’re with me now. You’re safe.”
    “I’m safe.”
    Seconds passed. She didn’t know how much time actually
passed, only that it did. With each

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