If you're pedaling a bicycle you'll be able to travel many more miles than if you are limited to traveling on foot.
Money Saving Tip: Craigslist is a great place to find used bicycles at very reasonable prices. Do yourself a big favor and avoid the allure of the shiny bikes with low price tags that are typically found in big box department stores. For the same amount of money, you can usually find a much higher quality bike that is used. If you spend much time riding a bike, you'll soon realize that there is quite a big difference in the rideability and durability between the inexpensive bikes found in super shopping centers and quality name brand second hand bikes.
If you live in a rural area, you may want to consider getting some horses if there is money in the budget for it. When it comes time to survive the hard times that are ahead of us, horses can provide a great means of transportation. They can also be used to perform work. A horse or mule can be trained to carry a rider, transport supplies when wearing a pack saddle, or even pull farm equipment or wagons.
Due to the tough financial times that many Americans have been going through in recent years, the prices of good horses have gone way down. This means that as a buyer you have a lot of leverage. Don't settle for just any old broken down horse. Be sure and buy one that has been suitably trained for the purpose you have in mind for it. The horse market is so soft right now that you can find well trained horses for very affordable prices.
Should you find yourself having to get around on foot during the winter months, having snowshoes on hand can really make a big difference. If you live in a part of the country that gets a lot of snow, there is a possibility that the snow plows won't be clearing the roads for you after a major disaster causes a doomsday event. This means that you might find yourself having to trudge through the snow on foot. If you've ever tried walking for some distance through deep snow without snow shoes, you know how tremendously taxing it can be on your body.
Remember, you can't pick and choose the time of year that a natural or economic disaster could lead to a doomsday event. There's just as good of a chance of it happening in the dead of winter as there is of it happening during the nice summer months.
Heating Your Home without Electricity or Gas
You should plan on the electricity grid going down after a major emergency. You should also plan on the natural gas supply lines being down. This means that if your home is heated with either of these utilities, you may not have a way of keeping your family warm.
This next bit of advice is one that doesn't come cheaply but it could save your life if you are forced to try and survive during the dead of winter. The advice is to equip your home with a wood burning stove. Exactly how much this will set you back will depend on the model of stove that you purchase as well as whether or not you have the time and skills to install it yourself.
If you do have the time and skills to do the installation yourself, an entry level wood stove can be installed for about $2,000. If you don't have the necessary skills it will cost you significantly more because you'll have to pay someone to install it. Many people don't realize the importance of having a wood stove until it dawns on them that they can't heat their home because the power or gas has been turned off for one reason or another.
Along with installing a good wood stove in your home comes the responsibility of stocking up on firewood. If you live in a rural area, you have the option of cutting your own firewood which will reduce the cost to you considerably. If you aren't able to cut your own firewood, you'll have no other option than to purchase it.
Firewood can be purchased in "rounds", meaning that each piece is cut to length but not split. It's usually a bit cheaper to purchase it this way