The Devil Inside

Read The Devil Inside for Free Online

Book: Read The Devil Inside for Free Online
Authors: Jenna Black
Tags: Fiction, General, Fantasy
because you’ve just been through hell and you don’t need to be alone tonight.”
    I crossed my arms and hunched down in the seat. “You don’t get to make that decision.”
    “You could have told me to shove off. But you didn’t.”
    I groaned and shook my head. The guy was like a little yappy dog that sinks its teeth into your pants leg then refuses to let go. Which is why he wins so many arguments with me—most sensible people would run the other way when I was in this bitchy a mood, but not him.
    “So are you going to show me these new white cotton granny panties of yours?” he continued. Yap, yap, yap. Grrr. Grrr.
    “Have I mentioned that you’re a pain in the ass?”
    “Yup,” he said cheerfully.
    And, damn it, I couldn’t help smiling. “Okay, you win. I’m not wearing any panties. There. Happy?” I tried to sound grumpy, but it didn’t work.
    “Ecstatic!” He reached for my zipper again. I batted his hand away.
    “Please can the foreplay until we get off the Expressway, okay?” Those of us who know and love it refer to the Schuylkill Expressway as the Sure-Kill Expressway, because you take your life in your hands every time you get on it. And I’d rather Brian take my life in both his hands instead of just one. Hot-blooded though he was, Brian didn’t have a death wish, so he kept his eyes on the road and his hands on the wheel until we’d gotten all the way past the Main Line and were on our way out to the suburbs. Then the banter and suggestive comments started again. And yes, he coaxed me into showing him my invisible panties. We’re lucky he didn’t slam into a tree while he inspected them.
    By the time we reached my street, my jeans were distinctly damp, his khaki trousers were about ready to explode, and I was seriously considering 25 / 226
    Jenna Black, The Devil Inside (2007)
    Morgan Kingsley #1
    jumping his bones in the car.
    Until we pulled into my driveway, that is, and I saw a very familiar, very unwelcome car parked there.
    I muttered about twenty-three curses under my breath. Brian’s shoulders slumped, and he groaned in frustration. Nothing could kill the mood better than a visit from my big brother, Andrew. Andrew got out of his car and leaned against the driver-side door, waiting.
    Brian shook his head. “I guess this means I’m not getting laid tonight, huh?”
    “Apparently not.”
    He startled a laugh out of me and I turned toward him as I undid my seat belt. I reached out and touched his face.
    “Thanks for coming to meet me,” I said. It was a bad precedent to thank him for doing something I’d specifically asked him not to do, but I couldn’t deny I felt better now than when I’d gotten off the plane.
    “You’re welcome,” he murmured, turning his head to plant a kiss on my palm.
    His kiss seemed to burn, and I realized I would need a cold, cold shower tonight before going to bed.
    I reluctantly lowered my hand from his face and reached for the door. He touched my arm, and I raised my eyebrow.
    “Your zipper,” he reminded me with an evil grin. I mumbled a curse and zipped up.
    “I love you,” Brian said as I slipped out.
    “Love you, too,” I replied automatically, then dragged my luggage out of the backseat. “Drive safe.”
    “Your place or mine tomorrow night? We have unfinished business.” He leered at me, and I probably leered back.
    “Mine,” I told him, and he nodded agreement.
    I took a slow, steadying breath as he pulled out of my driveway. Then I turned and headed for my front door without sparing a glance for Andrew. I felt him following me, but I didn’t turn around until I’d unlocked my front door and turned the lights on.
    “Wait here,” I said over my shoulder, then closed the door in his face. 26 / 226
    Jenna Black, The Devil Inside (2007)
    Morgan Kingsley #1
    I dropped my bags by the front door, then retrieved my Taser from the coat closet. I don’t carry it very often—by the time I’m called in to deal

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