The Designated Drivers' Club

Read The Designated Drivers' Club for Free Online

Book: Read The Designated Drivers' Club for Free Online
Authors: Shelley K. Wall
Tags: Suspense, Romance
translucent when wet.
    Jenny turned to the traffic and slammed on her brakes when a car swerved into her lane. She bumped the horn twice; the dog punctuated it with a soft bark.
    Hodge reached up and stroked the hound. “Ooh, I have these visions of Halle Berry in all that black shiny shit with zippers everywhere.”
    Cool it, Hodge.
    “It wasn’t like that.”
    Grant tensed when Hodge stuck his hand into Jenny’s hair from behind and squeezed. “You should come over some time, Jenny Cat, and bring the black shiny thing. I’ve always wondered how hard it was to get out of all those zippers.”
    Okay, this was going way too far.
Grant wanted to yank the hand down. Jenny smiled and pulled at Hodge’s wrist instead.
    “Back off there, Batman, or I may have to have Robin here use a couple of Judo moves on you.”
    Hodge leaned back in the seat, his voice a bit softer. “Cat woman does judo moves too, you know. As I remember, she used those stiletto heeled boots pretty damn well in the movie. It’d be more fun with you than him.”
    Grant couldn’t believe his uncle was actually making a move on Jenny. Seriously? She could be his daughter. “You might need to take a dose of Cialis first, old man.” Yeah, he shouldn’t have said that but it felt good.
    Hodge glared for a second. “Harsh, man, harsh. Just because you hate women doesn’t mean I have to.” Thankfully, he decided to change the subject. “You like music, Jenny Cat?”
    “Sure, love it. I have a friend that — ”
    “We’re in the business. Grant didn’t tell you?”
    “Nah, we haven’t really talked much about work.”
    Hodge obviously thought that meant something else and patted his shoulder. “He wouldn’t. Too modest and serious if you ask me. Especially since he’s about the best damn manager on the west coast. Probably the east coast too.”
    Grant turned and looked out the window, keenly aware she was staring at him. Why did he say that crap?
    “Hodge’s real name is Benjamin Hodges Larson,” Grant explained. He was relieved when the name didn’t register. “He’s fairly well known as an agent in the entertainment business.”
    “I wouldn’t go that far.” Hodge interrupted. “We’re very small, only a few clients. Mainly because we choose our clients selectively. I don’t touch anyone that’s not of sound mine, clean body, and has a good work ethic. I don’t have time to risk my career on bad seeds.”
    Jenny turned back to the traffic. “Smart move, since most of those bad seeds are spoiled, addictive personalities with a whole host of problems following them around.”
    “No shit.”
    Grant adjusted the volume of Jenny’s Sirius radio when a long lull in conversation occurred. He hoped it would silence the banter between the two of them. Surely, she’s not falling for his spiel? A quick glance in the rearview mirror showed the man admiring the back of Jenny’s head just before his eyes drifted closed. Jet lag had finally set in. Thank God. If he had to listen to any more of her flirting and laughing with his aged, gray-headed, overweight boss, he was going to be sick. Yeah, she was beautiful doing it but that wasn’t the point. And Hodge. What the hell was he thinking? Grant thought to say something but bit it back. Must be professional. Clearly, he himself didn’t really know what the point was.
    “He’s asleep,” Grant whispered. “Jet lag. That flight from London is a killer. It’ll take him a couple of days to recover.”
    “I can’t believe how different the dog is. The crazy thing is barely moving. Does Bugsy always do that when he’s around?”
    “Actually, Bugsy’s like that most of the time. I don’t know what got into him today. Maybe he smelled another dog — or the traffic bothered him. Who knows?”
    Jenny’s GPS instructed them in a musical female voice to turn left at the next intersection and go 1.2 miles to their destination. They silently followed suit. A few minutes later, Grant

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