The Demented Z (Book 3): Contagion

Read The Demented Z (Book 3): Contagion for Free Online

Book: Read The Demented Z (Book 3): Contagion for Free Online
Authors: Derek J Thomas
Tags: Zombies
and pulled a compact pair of bolt cutters.  
He took his time, keeping the fence from rattling as he snipped his way
up the chain links. After cutting a large
opening he debated chucking the cutters to save weight, but decided against it
and stuffed them back into Hannah’s pack.
    Bear held the fence back while everyone slithered through
the opening.
    They silently stalked up the low hillside, watching ahead as
the top of the base slowly came into view.  
A tattered American flag flapped in the light breeze at the top of a tall
    Hank whispered to Tom, “Flag like that…no military here.”
    Tom nodded in agreement.
    At the top of the rise they all hunched low and peered down
at the base before them. A four story
drab gray building sat in the center of several smaller buildings.
  In front of the buildings was a cluster of OD
green military vehicles and at least a dozen choppers.
  The spray apparatuses still hung off the
sides. Aside from the breeze lifting
snow particles and sending them swirling across the white landscape there was
no movement amongst the buildings. The
snow between buildings and vehicles was flat and untouched.
    Hank had his rifle out, eye to the scope.
  “Ghost town.”
    “Let’s hope ghosts are the worst of what’s inside.”
  Bear grumbled.
    “Check the windows for movement.
  Take our time.”
  Tom said.  
He looked around at the group and added, “Hannah and Bear, why don’t the
two of you circle back a ways…make sure we haven’t drawn any.
  I don’t want any surprises.”
    Hannah rapidly nodded her head and took off down the hill,
following the trail they had made. Bear
didn’t seem as excited, but followed in her wake.
  Tom watched the pair make their way back through
the fence and disappear into the forest.  
He hesitated momentarily, staring at the snowy trees, and then hunched
back down with Hank and Logan to get more eyes on the buildings.
    Time ticked away with the three of them sitting in
silence. The breeze continued to send
white tendrils of snow flowing between buildings and force the tattered flag to
flutter and jump like it was controlled by strings from above.
  One of the side building’s doors hung open,
allowing a pile of snow to build inside.
    “I think I see movement.”  
Hank whispered. He never lifted
his head from his scope.
“Third building on the north side…windows.”
    Tom squinted at the dark windows.
    Logan shifted over, peering through his binoculars.
  “I got nothin’.”
  He said.
    “It’s faint.
Almost a shadow in the dark.”
  Hank said.
    Tom was about to either dig for his binoculars or grab
Logan’s, when he heard something behind them.  
Hannah and Bear were making their way back through the trees, and based
on their slow shuffle he guessed everything was good.
    As the pair walked up, Tom said, “Good?’
    “Affirmative.” Bear said while they
were both nodding their heads.
    “Possible movement in one building…too
dark to I.D.”
    “Anything else?”
  Hannah asked.
    Tom shook his head, “Not a lot of windows and most are
shrouded in darkness, but nothing visible.  
Let’s circle around using the hill and move in on Hank’s building from
the north.”
    They all nodded in agreement and swept back down the
hillside, using it for cover as they circled around to the back side of the
base. Tom eyed the tree line as they
made their way around, the worry of an infected shambling around keeping him on
edge. Despite his worry and the mental
visions of hordes racing out of the forest, there was nothing but silence and
stoic trees.
    “We go in quiet.” Tom
said. He looked at Hannah.
  “Keep your rifle ready in case, but don’t
fire unless there is no other choice.”
    She nodded her head.
    “I mean it, no other choice.”
    “I got it, last resort.”
    The group swept down the snowy hillside and over to the back
of Hank’s building. They all stayed

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