The Debt 5

Read The Debt 5 for Free Online

Book: Read The Debt 5 for Free Online
Authors: Kelly Favor
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction
going through.
    Raven spent some of the time in the car
reading up about her friend’s particular type of cancer and what type of
treatment and prognosis could be expected.   The good news was that it tended to be a very slow growing cancer, and
so the likelihood of it having spread was low.
    However, from what she was reading, the
combination of chemotherapy and radiation that they were likely to pursue would
be a fairly grueling, even hellish process for Skylar.  
    In the end, the prognosis was good that
she’d be cancer free at the end of it all, and that was what Raven tried to
keep in mind.   Whatever discomfort
Skylar was going to go through, she would be better at the end of it all.
    Eventually, this whole period of Skylar’s
life would seem like nothing but a bad dream.
that what this will feel like for me ?
Skylar thought, as they crossed into Boston via the Mass Turnpike.   Nothing but a bad dream with faded memories to look back on?
    The driver expertly maneuvered the sedan
through the winding city streets of Boston until finally stopping in front of
two very tall buildings, double-parking because there were never any free spots
in Boston.
    He turned his head and looked at
Raven.   “This is your stop, ma’am.”
    She craned her head up.   “Where are we?”
    “The Ritz Carlton Towers, Miss
Hartley.”   He produced a set of keys
and handed them to her.   “You’re in
apartment 907.”
    Raven took the keys, thanking him, and
then also put the envelope which contained Jake’s letter in her purse.   “Are you allowed a tip?”
    He shook his head firmly no.   “Mr. Novak has taken care of everything,
ma’am.   There’s no need, but I do
appreciate the offer.”
    “Okay, then.”   She took a deep breath and let it out,
before exiting the car and walking across the entryway to the towers.
    It took her a moment to find the right
entrance, as the residents apparently used a different lobby than the hotel
    However, once she found her lobby, she
started to make her way to the elevator.   But the attendant at the front desk stopped her and requested her reason
for entering, so she told him she had newly rented an apartment and showed him
her key.
    He welcomed her with a wide smile and
told her that if she needed anything at all, just to call down for assistance.
    Raven couldn’t believe that Jake had
really rented her an apartment in this building.   It must’ve cost a small fortune.   This was, after all, a prime location in
the heart of Boston.
    She knew that Jake Novak was extremely
wealthy, but he didn’t owe her any of this.   Why had he done it?
does it seem like he still cares and is still thinking about my needs?
    She had little time to ponder the
question on the brief elevator ride to the ninth floor.   Then the doors opened and she made her
way to 907, opening it, butterflies dancing in her stomach as she wondered what
awaited her on the other side.
    She gasped as the door opened on an
absolutely stunning room.   This was
pure luxury, and the thought of staying here for any length of time seemed
absolutely ridiculous.
    There were enormous windows the entire
length of two of the walls, and each displayed a stunningly different view of
the city.   Raven crossed and
immediately stared out at Boston Harbor, where she could see boats passing to
and fro in the distance, and people and cars winding their way along the
various roads that intertwined below.
    Then she went to the other window, where
there was a view of the Charles River.
    “Oh, Jake,” she said, softly.   Tears were in her eyes, and with no one
to hide them from, she let them cascade down her cheeks.
    The entire apartment was furnished with
tasteful, modern stuff—she’d have decorated it much the same if she’d had
the time and money.
    How he’d secured her this place in such a
short time, she couldn’t even imagine.
he already had this apartment ready for some reason.   Maybe this is

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