The Deal : Billionaire Romance

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Book: Read The Deal : Billionaire Romance for Free Online
Authors: Rose Cody
letting herself out of the room.
    “But you’re not.” She says, shutting the door to make sure it locks behind her. “You’re probably fuckin’ a maid or something.”
      She quickly walks down the hall, her eyes focused in on the elevator as she passes an opening door.
    “Oh! Good morning!” She hears a raspy voice squeak out from behind her.
      She turns, smiling softly as she watches her boss’s mother bend over, placing her tray onto the carpet beside her door.
      Robin steps forward, reaching for her shoulder as she loses her balance, tipping against the wall.
    “Careful!” She whispers to the woman as she helps her up.
    “Oh, thank you dear.” His mother says, gently rubbing her thumb against Robin’s wrist.
    “Don’t worry about it.” She smiles sweetly as she nods her head. “But hey, have you seen Kurtis?” She asks, scratching the back of her head. “We were supposed to catch some breakfast together but he must have not been able to sleep or something…”
    “Haven’t seen him, sweetheart.” His mother says shrugging her shoulders.
    “If you do, can you let him know I’m looking for him?” Robin asks, tilting her head.
    “Sure thing.” His mother replies, turning around and reaching to turn her doorknob before stopping. “Oh and Robin…”
    “Yes?” Robin asks, stopping mid step.
    “I’m so happy you two are together.” The woman says, her eyes wrinkling as she smiles. “I thought he was never going to find someone…” She says, shaking her head. “He was so depressed, but I can see a change in him already.”
      Robin blushes, her face softening as she looks down to the floor before she gently nods her head up and down.
    “Yeah.” She replies, unsure of what to say. “He’s a wonderful man.”
      She watches as his mother steps back into her room, closing the door behind her before Robin lets out a deep sigh before turning to walk back down the elevator.
    “Wonderful, my ass.” She whispers under her breath as she pushes the button and waits for one of the steel doors to slide open.
      She steps into the elevator, hitting the button to the lobby before leaning up against the mirrored wall and riding it down.
      Robin sighs as she watches the doors slide open to let her off, her eyes catching the staff bustling around with trays and towels as she steps into the lobby.
    “Hey you!” She says, her heart pounding in her chest as she notices Kurtis sitting in on of the easy chairs by the large glass window looking out onto the resort.
      He folds over the newspaper in his hands before tossing it down onto the coffee table in front of him as he turns his head to look at her.
    “Good morning.” He says, resting his arm on the back of the chair as she walks towards him.
    “You didn’t wake me up!” Robin says, walking around the chairs to stand in front of him. “You just left me there! What if I never came down and just stayed up there all day?”
    “Obviously I would have eventually come to get you.” He says, chuckling as he lifts his hands and shakes his head before standing up.
    “How long would that have taken?” Robin asks, crossing her arms over her chest.
    “I don’t know.” He says, looking down at his watch. “Breakfast ends at ten thirty so probably before then.”
    “Why didn’t you wake me up?” She asks.
    “You’re on vacation! You sleep in on vacation. Do you honestly not know how this works?” He says, stepping past her. “Besides, I had a phone call to take care of. I didn’t want to wake you up by doing it in the room.”
    “Oh…” Robin says under her breath as she scrunches her nose, the flush of anger turning into a flush of embarrassment.
    “Next time I’ll make sure to do it right in your ear.” He smirks. “Come on, let’s get breakfast.”
    “You haven’t eaten yet?” She asks, her heart

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