these people, and it’s about to get busy. But come back tomorrow night, Liam, dressed properly. I’ll get permission to give you a tour so you know where you’re going when you get here on Monday.” Liam nodded and headed to the other end of the bar. She hoped he’d be back.
Inappropriately so for an employee.
Saturday night
The suit, the only suit he owned, was still slightly wrinkled. Liam didn’t like it, but he simply couldn’t keep chasing the wrinkles with the iron. Finally he gave up and put the jacket on. Standing in front of the mirror, he was only slightly disappointed. He had hoped to knock the extremely sexy Beebee off her feet and convince her to…
…to what? He looked around. Yeah. Come back here? To his rented room so he could show her what a nomad he really was?
His whole body had reacted to her, while all she did was stand there, serving drinks. She let off a vibration, a thrumming that tripped through his whole body and landed in his cock. He was grateful for the counter as he’d sat there—he was as hard as stone watching her. Not even the things going on around them, but her. He couldn’t turn away.
Liam sighed, looking around the room he was in. This was no way to impress her. Okay, he’d settle for dinner. For now. He could put off anything more until he found a real place. Assuming she liked him that way. He doubted she couldn’t feel the pull between them. It had lit the very molecules of the air around them.
He’d never really had a problem finding a willing bed partner in any place he went. It would inevitably peter out, just about the time he decided to move on. He didn’t understand why, but as long as they were both having fun while it was good, he didn’t mind. Much. So even if Beebee wasn’t it, he was sure there was someone.
It was a kink club after all.
Saturday night proved to be even more revealing than Friday. It wasn’t an open house. This time, the hostess had to first contact someone for his approval and then had him go back to the small desk in the doorway and get a badge. The guards at the desk had him sign another NDA, stating that his employee one wasn’t enough to cover the evenings when The Club was in operation.
That was interesting.
He walked back past the hostess, who smiled at him, nodding as he passed her. The club beyond was completely and totally unexpected—Friday had been a teetotaler’s meeting compared to this.
The speakers over the dance floor throbbed with the bass of a club beat he couldn’t put a name to, while lithe, young, mostly naked bodies writhed on the floor in pairs, triples, groups. Hands and legs undulated, entwining, seeking, caressing whatever they could. Passionate consuming kisses were passed between two mouths indiscriminately, and the raw, pure lust that this hypnotic beat induced did not stop at the edge of the dance floor.
Like water, it flowed into the aisle, over the tables, and was caught by the booths that lined the wall and hid the occupants in the back of the club. Strobes flashed, and the hyper colors of laser lights cut through the dark, revealing the scenes at the benches and tables as though the film in an old theater stuttered through the projector—and oh what it revealed…
More bodies of all sexes were twined on the benches, writhing, kissing, sucking. Breasts were on display, were suckled, were pinched and pulled. Skirts were hiked up, pants were hiked down. Erect cocks thrust from the lowered zippers, on display, fondled, licked. Women moved over the laps of the men they were with, the women they were with. The air was heavy with desire, and Liam could feel the pull of it.
“What do you think?”
The voice was next to his ear, the words oddly whispered to carry over the noise and the beat. He turned and found gorgeous golden brown eyes staring at him, capturing him. Beebee’s skin was perfect porcelain and her hair was satin in the odd lighting.
“This…is a sex