The Culmination
Gracie squeals, and we all laugh.
    And, right on cue, there it is—that wave of overwhelming joy I feel every time Josh makes his “To the Faradays” toast and actually means to include me . Everything about the way my life has turned out fills me with a sense of joy and love that takes my breath away. Or is it the sharp tightness in my belly that’s taking my breath away right now? Because, holy hell. Wow, that hurts. I bend over and gasp.
    “Sarah,” Jonas says, lurching toward me.
    I take a deep, long breath. “I’m fine, baby. It’s already gone.”
    “What’s gone? Crazy Monkey doing Zumba?”
    That sure didn’t feel like Crazy Monkey doing Zumba that time. But I’m not sure. I shrug, unable to answer the question with any degree of certainty.
    “Sarah, what did it feel like?” Kat asks. She looks alarmed.
    “Like, um, a sudden tightness across my belly. Right through here. Like a really sharp squeeze.”
    “Hmm. Sounds like Braxton Hicks,” Kat says. “That’s pretty normal. Probably just your body gearing up. Did it hurt or was it like an uncomfortable squeeze?”
    I shrug. “I dunno. Everything hurts lately.”
    “Let’s go to the hospital right now,” Jonas says, his voice tight.
    “Hang on,” Kat says, her voice brimming with authority. “Do you feel it right now?”
    I shake my head.
    “When’s your next appointment?”
    “And you don’t feel it now?”
    Jonas looks like he’s literally holding his breath. “I think we should go to the hospital now.”
    “Baby, if it were up to you, we’d live at the freaking hospital around the clock. We can’t keep rushing down there every time I feel a pang. They’re gonna start locking the windows and doors when they see us driving into the parking lot.”
    He sighs. “I don’t care if we embarrass ourselves. Better safe than sorry. I don’t want to wait for Tuesday.”
    “It’s two days away,” I say.
    “If you feel it again, will you promise to call the doctor?” Kat asks.
    “Well, either way, I’m taking you in tomorrow, just to be on the safe side.”
    “Jonas, I’ve got a million things to do at work tomorrow to get ready for the start of my maternity leave and—”
    “I’m not waiting ’til Tuesday. I’m taking you tomorrow. End of story.”
    “Aren’t you and Josh supposed to go to Denver tomorrow?” I ask. I look at Josh for backup, but he’s clearly not going to side with me this time.
    “Yeah, Denver was the plan,” Jonas says. “But I just changed the plan.”
    “I don’t need Jonas to come with me,” Josh says. “He’s just the pretty face of Climb and Conquer—the ‘something shiny.’ I’m the brains behind the whole operation.”
    Jonas doesn’t even acknowledge his brother’s comment. His eyes are searing holes into my face. “Tomorrow,” he commands.
    I sigh loudly. There’s no use in arguing with him. And, hell, he’s probably right. Living with Jonas and his paranoia about every little pang I feel, I can’t even gauge what’s a normal reaction anymore. “Okay,” I say. “You’re right—better safe than sorry, always.”
    Jonas exhales. “Good. Thank you.” He takes a deep breath. “Okay,” he repeats, seemingly to himself. He looks at Gracie and unsuccessfully attempts a smile. “Will you come out back and help me grill up the fish, Little G?”
    “No, Jonas, don’t take her out back,” Kat says. “I don’t want her going near the pool.”
    “Jonas had a fence installed around it last week,” I say. “I went out there to swim laps yesterday and couldn’t figure out how to open the latch on the gate for, like, ten minutes.” I shoot Jonas a wan smile, but he doesn’t return it. His face is tight. His eyes are dark. Oh, jeez. What the hell has gotten into him lately? He’s just not himself.
    “Okay, but make sure she wears her jacket,” Kat says. “It’s a little chilly outside.”
    “Come on, honey. You heard your

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