The Circle

Read The Circle for Free Online

Book: Read The Circle for Free Online
Authors: Peter Lovesey
Tags: Mystery
    'You're big enough.'
    He told her about the driving job. 'And what do you do?'
    'Me? I teach . . . What's funny about that?'
    * * *
    It was getting on for midnight. Basil was at home making a cocoa prior to retiring and beginning to wonder when his wife Naomi would return. She'd gone out earlier on the bike without telling him her plans. She'd not shown up at the pub. However, he wasn't too concerned. They didn't live in each other's pockets. She was apt to go off 'checking some facts', as she liked to put it, and it was not unusual for her to get home late fulfilled by her researches.
    After the session with the circle members, he'd busied himself in his greenhouse whilst trying to remember some of the things that had been said. Naomi was sure to want chapter and verse on every blessed thing. She'd be pleased Maurice was in the clear. They both had a high regard for Maurice.
    The phone rang. This would be her, no doubt.
    And it was. And she didn't sound fulfilled.
    'Where have you been? I've been calling for the past two hours.'
    'You know where I was. I went to the pub with the circle.'
    'Till midnight?'
    'No, I got back early. I've been pottering in the greenhouse pricking out seedlings.'
    'While I've been trapped in a deserted building.'
    'I had no idea. Where are you now?'
    'Still here, you cretin.'
    'Trapped inside a building? I got that. Do you need help, my dear?'
    Her exasperated sigh was audible down the phone. 'Why else would I be calling? I was afraid I was in a dead spot.'
    'Dead spot?'
    'Stop parroting my words and listen to me. Do you know the publisher's cottage on the Selsey Road, the one that went up in flames? I'm stuck in the bedroom.'
    'How on earth . . . ?'
    'It doesn't matter how. Just get here as fast as you can and bring the steps. I can't climb out without them. You'll need a torch. Have you got that? The steps and a torch.'
    'Say it, then.'
    'The steps and a torch.'
    'As quickly as you can, Basil. I'm cold, uncomfortable and extremely annoyed.'
    The drive home in the van added nothing to Basil's understanding. Naomi was treating the episode as if it didn't merit an explanation and Basil knew from experience that it wasn't wise to ask. For his own satisfaction he was damned if he'd tell her Maurice had been at the pub. So nothing was said.
    Finally she asked, 'What seedlings?'
    'I beg your pardon?'
    'You said you were pricking out seedlings. What are you growing from seed this late in the year?'
    'Lettuces, dear. Late lettuces. You know how we both enjoy a salad.'
    Bob didn't expect a call this quick, lunch time the next day.
    'This is Thomasine. Are you working tonight?'
    'Could we meet? Something's happened. Well, it's Maurice. They've pulled him in for questioning again and this time it looks serious.'
    She was waiting in the Feathers in South Street, and little Dagmar was with her in a state of shock, sipping an Appletiser as if it was neat whisky.
    'He's been held for eight hours already' Thomasine said.
    'That's a long time considering they questioned him only the day before.'
    Dagmar spoke: 'They can keep him for up to thirty-six hours without charging him. They need a warrant to hold him any longer.'
    'Dagmar works for a solicitor,' Thomasine said, seeing Bob's reaction to this legal knowhow. 'What's going on, Bob? Maurice is a pussy cat. He wouldn't commit murder.'
    'How did you find out?'
    'What, that he's been pulled in again? Don't ask.'
    Dagmar turned a shade more pink. The best guess was that she'd overheard something at work.
    Bob went to the bar and ordered a beer, wondering how this had become his problem. He hadn't even joined their circle, yet Thomasine seemed to think he could save their precious chair from being stitched up. Ah well, he told himself, it's a change from sitting at home trying not to watch EastEnders.
    He returned to the table. As if they'd read his mind, Thomasine said, 'We need a man's help with this. If Dagmar or I go in to bat for

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