The CEO's Little Surprise

Read The CEO's Little Surprise for Free Online

Book: Read The CEO's Little Surprise for Free Online
Authors: Kat Cantrell
might stick around for a couple of days. Arwen could rough it.
    Cass didn’t make him cool his heels like he’d thought she would. After yesterday, with all the power plays disguised as flirting and Cass not letting him run roughshod over her, he’d come prepared for battle. Hell, he’d kind of looked forward to another game of one-upmanship. It was rare that a woman could match him.
    She appeared in the reception area looking gorgeous and untouchable in another sharp suit with a microskirt, this time in eye-popping candy pink, and she’d swept up her hair into another severe bun-like thing held by lacquered chopsticks that he immediately wanted to take apart. Why was that so hot?
    He dredged up a memory of her old look from college, which had largely consisted of yoga pants and hoodies, and he’d liked that, too. But this was something else. Something elemental. He wanted to explore this new Cass in the worst way.
    â€œGood morning, Mr. Branson,” she said, though the frost in her tone told him she thought it was anything but. “This way.”
    The chilly greeting and use of his last name put a grin on his face. So she planned to cross swords after all. Excellent.
    This time, he didn’t even hesitate at the door of her office. No point in beating around the bush when the upper hand was still up for grabs. He waltzed into the middle of all that purple and plunked down into a chair. Happened to be the one behind the desk—Cass’s chair—but he figured that would be enough to get her into the room.
    It was. She followed him into the interior, and without batting an eye, she crossed to the desk and perched on it. Two feet from his chair. Gaze squarely on Gage, she crossed her stocking-clad legs with a slow and deliberate slide and let her stilettos dangle. The little skirt rode up her thighs almost to the point of indecency.
    His tongue went numb as all the blood rushed from his head, pooling into a spectacular hard-on. One tiny push with his heel and Cass’s chair would roll him into a proximity much better suited to enjoying the smorgasbord of delights inches away.
    This was his punishment for stealing her chair? She clearly didn’t get how corporate politics, particularly between competitors, worked.
    â€œThanks for coming on short notice,” she purred and the subtle innuendo wasn’t lost on him.
    â€œThanks for having me,” he returned and cleared the rasp from his throat. Maybe she knew a little more about this game than he’d supposed. “You ready to talk details?”
    â€œSure, if you want to jump right into it.” She cocked her head, watching him. “The others don’t want to sell. But I’m willing to talk to them.”
    Instantly suspicious, he grinned and crossed his arms, leaning back in the chair so he could see all of her at once. She was something else. “Along with what strings?”
    â€œOh, nothing much.” She waved a French-manicured hand airily and leaned forward, one palm on the desk. Her silky button-up shirt billowed a bit, just enough to draw his attention to her cleavage but not enough to actually show anything.
    The anticipation of catching a glimpse of skin had his mouth watering.
    â€œName your price, Cass,” he murmured and wondered what she’d do if he pulled her off that desk into his lap. “I’m assuming one hundred million wasn’t enough?”
    â€œNot quite. You also have to help me catch the leak first.”
    His gaze snapped back up to her beautiful face as her meaning registered. “Help you catch the leak? You mean you haven’t already?”
    Unacceptable. Hadn’t she learned anything important from him? Yesterday he sure would have said so, but obviously she needed a few more pointers about how to run her business.
    â€œI have a plan,” she explained calmly. “And you’re it. Until the leak is stopped, Fyra can’t make a

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