The Car Bomb (The detroit im dying Trilogy, Book 1)

Read The Car Bomb (The detroit im dying Trilogy, Book 1) for Free Online

Book: Read The Car Bomb (The detroit im dying Trilogy, Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: T.V. LoCicero
Tags: thriller, Suspense, Crime, Murder, detroit, Corruption, Bribery, tv news, car bomb
this time Frank could almost read his lips: “Here comes ‘good old Jimmy Madison.’”
    Frank said, “James Madison, fourth president of the United States, also known as the ‘Father of the Constitution.’ Here’s what old Jimmy Madison said about freedom of the press, and I’m quoting: ‘Knowledge will forever govern ignorance. And a people who mean to be their own governors, must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives. A popular government without popular information or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy, or perhaps both.’”
    Pausing one last time, he let the thought sink deeper before waving goodbye. “Thanks so much for inviting me. I enjoyed it.”
    Applause rose as the redhead and many others around her stood. Frank nodded and waved again, then moved from the podium, pausing briefly to shake hands with the mayor. As a suit took the microphone, the redhead embarked for the steps Frank would use to come down from the dais.
    “ That’s it folks,” said the suit. “We’re running late, so thanks to Frank for his inspiration, and we’ll see you all next week.”
    As Frank descended the steps, the woman put her hand on his arm. “Hi, Frank, I’m Letty Pell.”
    “ Well, hello, Letty Pell. I love your name.” His smile said he also liked the rest of Letty.
    “ Well, I loved your speech, and I’d love to see you sometime to further discuss all the important things you talked about today.” She pressed the yellow sticky note into the palm of his hand. “Here’s my number. I’ll be waiting for your call.”
    Then, after offering a mischievous smile, Letty leaned close to say softly, “And I give incredible head.”
    He glanced at his hand and then at her perfect smiling mouth. “Well, thanks, Letty. It’s so nice to meet you.”
    Letty with a wink: “Call me.”
    As Frank moved with the rest of the crowd toward the exits, the attorney put an arm around his shoulder.
    “ What’d she say, Frank?”
    “ She says she gives great head.”
    “ You bullshitter.”
    “ I swear to god, Jimmy. I love these liberated women.”
    Jim Goodman nodded with a smile. “Hey, enough with James Madison.”
    “ So you’re my attorney, and you’ve heard it too many times. Most people haven’t. By the way, Jimmy, what do you hear about this city’s august Recorder’s Court? We got any judges whose palms might be greased?”
    “ Oh, I’ve heard stories...”
    “ About whom?”
    “ Frank, it’s just rumor and hearsay.”
    “ Judge Billy?”
    “ O’Bryan?” Jim Goodman smiled and shrugged in a way that could mean yes or no.

Chapter 17
    The newsroom was quiet, almost empty after the newscast. Francine Rickey sat in front of a TV set watching Dan Rather while eating a sandwich. When Frank strolled through with a light step reflecting a good mood, he spoke in a dead-on imitation of Rather. “Francine...Good work today.”
    The startled young woman seemed uncertain whether Frank was serious. “Oh, hi, Frank. You were great.”
    He swapped the Rather bit for mock conceit. “Frankie, truthfully I’m always great. But seriously your writing today was excellent. Sharp, crisp, evocative yet always to the point. And that kicker about the two-headed dog had some real wit to it.”
    Francine was nearly speechless. “Ah, I really, ah, appreciate that, Frank.”
    “ Hey, keep up the great work. But why are you sitting here all alone eating out of a bag? Why aren’t you out with your boyfriend having a real dinner?”
    She put the sandwich down, half-embarrassed. “I don’t have a boyfriend.”
    “ Oh, I can’t believe that. Great lookin’ gal like you.”
    Francine picked up her sandwich again. “It’s sad but true, Frank.”
    Grinning, Frank moved on. “Well, I’ll tell you what, Frankie. My wife ever keeps her promise and divorces me? I’ll marry you. How’s that sound?”
    Francine smiled wryly. “Sounds great, Frank.”

Chapter 18
    There was still good

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