The Burning Man

Read The Burning Man for Free Online

Book: Read The Burning Man for Free Online
Authors: Phillip Margolin
Tags: antique
circle of hell to fight the devil for Elmo Judd's soul."
    Whitaker State College was founded as an agricultural school to service eastern Oregon in 1942, but had since developed a decent liberal arts program. The older, brick buildings surrounded a quadrangle at the center of the campus and were covered with ivy. The legislature had funded an expansion program in the late fifties and, again, in the early eighties, and a school of business, the football stadium, a new athletic facility and a block of two-story, brick dormitories were among the newerlooking buildings that spread out from the hub.
    In the shadow of the business school was a large blacktop parking area. Shortly before 10 P.m evening classes ended and the faculty and off-campus students emptied into the lot. Christopher Mammon drove a dull green Chevy when he did not want to attract attention.
    Tonight, the Chevy was parked as inconspicuously as possible in the shadows of a large oak tree on the edge of the lot because there were two kilos of cocaine in separate Ziploc bags under the driver's seat.
    The Chevy was a normal-size car, but Mammon was so massive that there was barely room for Kevin Booth in the front seat. Mammon's body was so large it approached the grotesque. At a flabby two hundred pounds, Booth had been big enough to play high school football, but alongside Mammon's enormous lots, awesome thighs and mile-wide chest, he appeared to be one dimensional.
    Booth looked over his shoulder through the rear window as he had several times each minute since Mammon parked. After a few seconds, Booth twisted forward and drummed his fingers nervously on the dashboard.
    "Where is that bitch? She said nine forty-five and it's after ten."
    "Relax, man." Mammon's eyes were closed and he sounded bored. Booth could not believe how calm Mammon was with this much dope in -the car. Of course, Mammon was always calm. When you were that big only King Kong could raise your blood pressure. If they were arrested and went to jail, Mammon would be the king of the beasts in a jungle filled with wild animals.
    Booth would die in prison, prey for the lowliest of meateaters.
    "There's something about that cunt I don't trust," Booth told Mammon, as he looked anxiously over his shoulder again.
    "You don't trust anyone. That's your problem," Mammon said, opening his eyes and lifting his huge head from the headrest.
    "If this deal gets fucked up, Rafael is gonna be really Booth said, more to himself than Mammon.
    pi Booth could not decide who scared him more, Mammon or the slender man with the lifeless eyes who supplied Booth with cocaine.
    "That's why you should be glad I'm dealing with your buddy, this time."
    "But what if the bitch doesn't show?"
    "She'll be here," Mammon assured Booth, a hint of menace creeping into his voice. "She knows what would happen to her if she let me down."
    Booth imagined the things Mammon would do to punish the blonde if she crossed them. Then he imagined what Rafael might do to him if the sale did not go through. one of Rafael's mules had dropped off the two kilos at Booth's house early this evening. Booth's part in the transaction was turning over the cocaine to Mammon and giving the thirty thousand the girl was bringing to another of Rafael's mules. Objectively, Booth was only a go-between, but Booth had vouched for Mammon.
    "What if she goes to the cops?" Booth asked anxiously. "She's been acting squirrelly lately."
    Mammon sighed. He switched on the dome light.
    Then, he took a mirror and a razor blade from the map holder on the driver's door and handed them to Booth.
    Mammon opened one of the Ziploc bags and dipped a slender coke spoon into the bag. Mammon held the spoon over the mirror' Booth fixed on the white powder, hypnotized by it.
    "I need some peace and quiet, Kevin. If you promise to shut up, I'll let you have a little nose candy."
    Booth's brain told him it was dangerous to use in public. It was also a form of suicide to use any of

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