The Broken and the Dead (Book 1)

Read The Broken and the Dead (Book 1) for Free Online

Book: Read The Broken and the Dead (Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Jay Morris
Tags: Zombies
    “But you pointed a gun at Mr. Franks” Billy said.
    “That’s right Billy, I did.” and his face was like stone.
    He drew pictures for us and talked about sight alignment and sight picture. We practiced over and over again. Then he showed us how to clean those rifles. We both learned on both rifles. When he finished he said,
    “Tomorrow we will try to practice a little, if it’s safe of course.” Then he said, “I got something else for you two.”
    He rose and went to the handgun cabinet.
    “These two revolvers use the same bullets as your rifles, they are quite a bit simpler than those two rifles.”
    He held one out to each of us, they were just like the big revolver that he carried, just a bit smaller. He opened one of the base cabinets and produced two matching holsters and a big plastic bucket that said ‘Remington, 22 Long Rifle, 36 grain hollow point’ on the side. He had two extra magazines for the 522 and one extra for the STG. He said
    “Fill them up boys, and load the revolvers too. Then put the holsters on your belts and I want you to wear them all the time. Never be out of reach of these guns.” Then he paused “And I want you to look out for each other. I want you to take the 6 for each other, which means I want you to watch each other’s back.”
    We nodded and promised that we would. He smiled,
    “I am giving these to you, they are yours, and never let them out of your sight. Never give them up to anyone, okay?”
    We quickly agreed and promised, and I wondered why we had been so afraid of Old Man Tucker.
    Mrs. Driscol came and got us, she had made the chili she seemed in a good mood until she saw us with our rifles slung over our shoulders and revolvers on our hips. I could see that she had something to say but she kept it to herself for now. My Mom was waiting behind as Mrs. Driscol led us to the kitchen.
    “Mr. Tucker, a word please” she said, not really a question but more of a royal suggestion.
    “Of course Mrs. Williams.”
    She hesitated but not like she was intimidated more like she didn’t want to forget something. When she spoke her voice was steady and strong,
    “First Mr. Tucker I want you to know that Mrs. Driscol and I are both grateful to you and we realize what would have happened if you had not come out for us.”
    He cut her off and said she was welcome and started into the kitchen but stopped when she put a hand on his arm and said
    He stopped and waited.
    “While we appreciate that you asked before arming and taking the time to teach Johnny and Billy, we were wondering why you did not arm the rest of us?”
    He blinked at her in shock.
    “I really do not intend to arm the Franks but Caulfield, of course...”
    This time Mom was the one who interrupted him,
    “No, I meant Amy Driscol, Elaine and I. Do you realize that you armed two twelve year old boys before even considering two adult women? That has to be one of the dumbest, most misogynistic things I have ever seen. Were you trying to be condescending or were you just being stupid?””
    She watched him, she nearly laughed in his face as he wore the expression of someone whose rusty wheels had just started to grind and move once more. Mom crossed her arms and patiently waited.
    His brows knit together, she didn’t know if he was going to scream at her or what, but she didn’t care, he was being an idiot and he needed to know it. After a full 60 seconds he nodded,
    “You are right Mrs. Williams. And if it’s okay I will correct that in the morning.”
    He paused then added
    “I want you to know I don’t think of women as secondary, inferior or incapable in any way. I knew female Marines and was proud to be by their side. I have no excuse or even an explanation for why I over looked you in favor of the boys. I can’t even promise I won’t do it again, but I can promise two things, if I do it again it won’t be on purpose and second I won’t take it personally when you correct

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