The Bride Who Bailed

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Book: Read The Bride Who Bailed for Free Online
Authors: Misty Carrera
was, at breakfast, with Ashley. What was up with that?  

    I didn't have time to figure it out though, I was on my way to work.  

    As I pushed in the door to the office, I smelled his cologne before I saw him. My heart started hammering and I got that butterfly feeling. I wanted to kiss him, feel his hands on me, my nipples were stiffening. And I hadn't even seen him yet.

    "Hey," Drew walked past my doorway.  

    "Hey," I answered, hoping he didn't hear the quaver in my voice.  

    "Sorry I've been scarce, problems at the other property," he stepped closer, so close I could feel his breath on my face. I'd missed him more than I dared to admit. "I hope you have time for me tonight?"  

    "Yeah," I whispered, and smiled up at him. Putting my hands on his lapels I pulled him in close, "I definitely have time for you." He leaned down and kissed me gently, sending shock waves through my system.  

    "Great, I'll see you later, six o'clock good?"

    "Yes," I whispered, "good."

    Just then the phone rang. Drew slid his hand off my jaw, sending shock waves down my neck and spine, waves that pooled between my legs. His footsteps were muffled as he moved down the hallway, I liked him entirely too much, that was for sure. Today though, I didn't care.



    "Jake?" I sighed. "Aren't you going home?"

    "Aren't you?"

    "No, I have a gig here, short term, but it keeps me busy for a while. Keep me out of the line of fire at home."

    "Oh, well. Huh. Anyway...I am going home. I just need to talk to you first."

    "Ok, later? Maybe 4:30 ish? Meet me at the front lobby after I get out of work?"

    "Yeah, ok."

    "And Jake?"


    "Leave the paintball gun back at the room, ok?"

    Four-thirty couldn't come fast enough, I just needed to get this over with.  


    As I entered the lobby I was hyper aware of every sound and movement. He was making me nervous, nothing had been normal since the day I walked out of the church. His following me, the paintball incident, hanging out with Ashley (wtf?), staying here and watching me. Lucky for me I didn't marry him because he was a much bigger flake than I could have thought. Which is crazy since I'd known him since we were 5.

    I spotted him just before he saw me. He had Ashley with him, of course. They went everywhere together these days. Not my problem, as long as he stayed off my back.

    "Hey. Cat, thanks for meeting me here. I'm flying out tonight, just so you know. You won't be running into me anymore."

    "Ok, I"m not sure what to say to that, but it's good to know."

    "There's something else. Well a couple of somethings, I guess. The first is that Ashley is coming with me."

    "What? She's what?"

    "Yeah, she's coming with me, she's bringing the kids, and we're getting married."

    "Ooookay, you just met though, and Ashley, I don't mean anything by this but, isn't it a little soon?"

    "I need to be married, Cat. For the business, I won't inherit if I'm not married. And Ash and I, well, we're a good match. She knows about the wedding, and why you called it off, and she's ok with..."

    He broke it off as I was shaking my head, "I didn't know about the inheritance, was that a clause or something? When did that happen? And why didn't you tell me? And..."  

    Ashley spoke up. "Look, I know it's fast, and a little weird, but he likes the kids, I like him, they need a dad, he needs a wife, it's perfect."

    "It doesn't really sound perfect, but, thanks for the head's up."   First of all I didn't know how he'd stand that wine on his pillow every morning, but not my problem.

    "So, we're out of here. Take care Cat, we'll send for the rest of her stuff, and the kids stuff. Hey, no hard feelings, you're invited to the wedding!"

    I couldn't help myself, I laughed. I did. "Thanks, send me an e-vite and I'll let you know. Have a good flight, ok?"

    Watching them walk away I had to wonder if doing it that simply was the, couldn't be.  

    Drew walked up

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