The Bride Price
overwhelming if you’re not prepared for her.”
    “I wonder where she gets that from?” Sophie muttered.
    “What was that, dear?”
    “Oh, nothing, Nona. What do you have in the way of books? I would love to read something.”
    Nona led her to their library and when Sophie stepped into the room, she sighed in awe. Three walls had floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, the dark mahogany showcased intricate carving. Two high-backed chairs faced a large, stone fireplace. A hearth raised it three feet off the floor and offered a warm place to rest your feet. This could only be described as her dream room. “This is perfect, Nona. Thank you.”
    “You’re welcome, dear. I’ll have Daniel add wood to the fire and you can rest in here, if you like. I’ll collect you at three. Richard will be joining us for dinner, so I have requested Elizabeth send over an appropriate gown.”
    Sophie smiled her thanks and searched for something to read. There were many medical books, which shouldn’t have surprised her, and she thought she might be disappointed, until she came across “ Lady Audley’s Secret, ” written by Mary Elizabeth Braddon.
    Curling up in one of the chairs, she tucked her feet under her and settled in to read. But she found she was unable to concentrate, and the pages swam before her. Turning her head, she stared out the window.
    Where are you, Jamie? She felt tears slip down her cheek and wiped them away with the palm of her hand. Please, God, I need some answers here. As grateful as I am to be healthy, I want my husband back. I think I’d rather be dying with Jamie, than healthy without him.
    With her chin on her palm, she continued to stare out the window.
    Almost an hour into her forced rest, Sophie was grateful when she heard the rustle of fabric behind her. “Miss Sophie?”
    “Hm?” Sophie peeked around the high-backed chair.
    “Miss Nona says her sister will be here soon.”
    Sophie stood, lightly running her fingers over the fabric of her skirts to smooth them, and followed Betty out of the room. She arrived in the foyer just as the butler was opening the front entrance door. Thinking Christine had come a few minutes early, Sophie hurried forward to greet her new friend.
    She froze mid-stride and felt her face heat with indignation.
    Richard Madden handed his hat and gloves to the expectant butler. “Good afternoon, Mrs. Ford. How are you feeling today?”
    “I’m fine, thank you, Mr. Madden.” Sophie pulled her hands behind her back and clasped them tightly. “Have you found something out about Jamie? Is that why you’re here?”
    Before he could answer, Nona bustled into the entryway and greeted Richard with a big smile. “Richard, what a nice surprise.”
    “Good afternoon, Nona.” He gave her a slight bow.
    Sophie turned back to Richard. “Mr. Madden was just going to tell me what he found out about my husband.”
    Richard stood in silence.
    “Well? Mr. Madden?” Sophie ground out, a little more pointedly.
    Richard turned and spoke directly to Nona. “Is Dr. Wade still here? I thought I’d try to catch him before left for the hospital.”
    “Or, you could answer my question.” Sophie didn’t like being a shrew, but this man’s arrogance irritated her. Call it a fault of hers, but she always felt the need to put male chauvinists like him in their place. That, and she desperately wanted to know where Jamie was.
    “Ma’am, I don’t have anything to tell you at present. I really should speak with Dr. Wade before I go any further.”
    Pointing her finger at him, Sophie shook with anger. “Why? Why do you have to speak with Dr Wade before ‘going any further’?”
    “Pardon me, ma’am?”
    “Don’t you ‘ma’am’ me. Where is my husband? Are you hiding him? Is he hurt and you don’t want to tell me? Is that why you need the doctor? It is, isn’t it?” Panic bubbled up and threatened to spill over. “Why are we just standing here? Take me to him.” She moved toward the front

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