The Bloodless

Read The Bloodless for Free Online

Book: Read The Bloodless for Free Online
Authors: Andrew Gibson
Tags: Zombies
us at that point.”
                  “They also track by sound, keep it down Saturn!” Crowder hissed.
                  “All right, all right!” I had to take control of the situation, we couldn’t afford to have anyone fly off the handle, which was a constant fear of mine with this group. “Buggs, when we get out of here you’re going to help us all stink,” Buggs nodded. “Until then, let’s get our focus together because I have a feeling we’re going to have to fight our way out of here.”
                  “What?!” Crist didn’t like this option, she wasn’t exactly a fighter. “No, no, no. This was supposed to be an in and out job. No fighting.”
                  “You know, for a weapons specialist, you’re a pretty big coward.” Saturn just had to give her two cents.
                  “I designed them, I don’t fire them you fucking cunt. I’m a pacifist.”
                  “A pacifist who facilitates and promotes violent aggression? Sounds like a psych major’s dissertation.”
                  “Fuck you Saturn.”
                  “Saturn, just shut the fuck up. Crist, you’ll be fine, keep close to me,” I said hotly. Those two were always fighting. Crist smiled meekly. We could hear footsteps moving fast towards our location. Crowder looked out and then spun back around.
                  “Fox is coming this way, full tilt.” It was odd for Fox to move out in the open like that but apparently speed was more of a factor than stealth. I peeked my head around the cover to get a better look. Once I spotted Fox I noticed he was making an odd flailing gesture.
                  “What do you suppose that means?” I asked as I turned to the group.
                  Crowder took out his binoculars and focused them on Fox. “It looks like he’s waving for us to get down, but I could be wrong.”
                  I looked back out and sure enough he was throwing his arms up and down, palms flat to the ground. It definitely looked like a “get down” signal. “Why would we need to get down?”
                  We all heard the sound. Nobody was able to comprehend it at first, but that all changed rather quickly.
                  “Crist!” Crowder yelled first. I spun around quickly and saw Crist crumpled in a heap, all the blood draining from her head. The very breath from my lungs escaped into the air and left me dizzy and wobbly. My mind refused to take in what was transpiring before my eyes. How was it even happening? I first looked at Saturn, but her gun was leaned up against a wall, nowhere near her reach.
                  Everyone was absolutely dumbfounded. How could she drop like that unless a bullet hit her? How could a bullet even hit her? These were Bloodless that were chasing after us, not the military. Guns weren’t part of the equation, were they?
                  Fox came hurtling into the trench and knocked into me as he took cover. That jolt jarred me out of my temporary stupor. Suddenly the gravity of the situation came down upon me, but I was still half dazed. I knew we needed information and Fox was the only one with any at this point.

“Fox, how many are out there?!”

    Dr. Justice and the Terrible, Horrible,
No Good, Very Bad Day
    “Good morning Dr. Justice,” the greying security officer said brightly as a jet black, freshly polished Cadillac pulled up to the gate with the driver side window down and a relatively young man looking out.
    The man called Justice held out his ID badge for the scanner, “Good morning Lou! How’s the wife?”
    “Pain in my ass as usual,” he said, “but what else is new?” Justice chuckled and paused as the gate slowly clinked upwards. “Have a good day sir,” said the guard.
    “Oh, no

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