The Blogger and the Hunk
“So, did you get his number or what?”
    “Yeah, are you meeting him again?”
    Penelope shook her head. “It was a one-time thing with a great guy who took pity on the virgin—”
    “Oh, fuck off, Penny! If he sexed you up, that meant he wanted you big-time!” Stephanie angrily explained.
    “Either way, we won’t ever meet again. It was a great experience and I enjoyed it.” Penelope explained how she’d woken up and left without disturbing a sleeping Jack.
    “That’s our girl. No walk of shame,” Jasmine replied. “And hey, you got a memento to remember that night forever,” she continued, pulling on the hoodie Penelope was wearing.
    “I guess so.” Penelope took a deep breath, taking in the aroma of Jack’s clean clothes.
    “So, are we going or what?” Stephanie asked, waiting impatiently to leave for their lunch.
    Penelope nodded and finally had a chance to run away from her friends. She escaped to the bathroom, and took her clothes off piece by piece while remembering the night before. She’d had time to take some aspirin for the headache before the girls had decided to bombard her apartment. Now, standing in front of the full-length mirror behind the bathroom door, she took a good look at herself.
    She hadn’t fully looked at herself naked in the longest time, but now she felt a little different. The level of self-consciousness had lowered, and she could look without thinking her large thighs and chubby stomach were disgusting. She looked at three bruises on each hip bone. Penelope traced them and realized they were left over from the way Jack had held on to her last night.
    “Oh, Jack.” She let herself dwell on the memories of the night before. It all still felt like a dream, but the slight ache between her legs and the marks he had left all over her body proved it was all reality. With a last sigh, she turned to get under the shower, ready to let the warm water wash away the evidence of the night before.

    F riends are BAD influences. They take you to a bar, they leave you alone while they go off into a dark corner to dry hump the bejesus out of a muscleman, and they let you leave the bar with a complete stranger. A STRANGER. What happened to Stranger Danger? What happened to the Buddy System? These are the things they fail to reteach you in college.
    “So, how are you liking California so far, Jack?” Dylan asked, checking the waitress’s ass out as she leaned over a customer to place the creamer on the table.
    Jack wasn’t listening. He was too busy ogling his own potential conquest, sitting at the table diagonal from theirs. Blonde, tall, fit, and giving him a come-hither look. That was his kind of woman. None of this virginal appeal.
    His mind instantly flashed back to rounded cheeks and a pair of soft brown eyes looking up from beneath him. Jack internally scoffed and slightly shook his head to clear it. The morning after his one-night stand with Penelope had been a bit of a disappointment. He had fallen asleep after having sex, hoping she wouldn’t wake up the next morning thinking they were an item. It was only sex, after all.
    What he hadn’t planned on was that she would have slipped out completely without a good-bye or even some breakfast. There was only a single note on his nightstand:
    Thanks for a great night. Took a twenty for a cab, and a change of clothes. I’ll send them back by mail. Maybe.
    Her honesty made him laugh aloud when he’d first read the note. Then his good humor turned into disappointment. He’d be lying to himself if he refused to acknowledge that he’d had a great time that night. It had been a different experience; he still was unsure how he felt about it. Well, two weeks had gone by and now his life was getting back on track after his move to LA.
    “Jack?” Dylan asked again, trying to get his attention.
    “Hmm? Yeah, what’s up?” Jack snapped out of his thoughts and took a fry off his plate

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