The Blacker the Berry

Read The Blacker the Berry for Free Online

Book: Read The Blacker the Berry for Free Online
Authors: Lena Matthews
Tags: Erótica
shook her head as she watched her friend take Ty’s hand before they both headed down the porch steps into the front yard. When she went to follow, Russell called her name softly, causing her to turn back around and face him.
    “You really do look lovely.”
    “You say that as if you’re surprised.” There was a hint of laughter in her voice, as if she was making a joke. The only problem was, he couldn’t tell at whose expense it was.
    The truth be told, though, he was a bit surprised. Not that she could look lovely, but that he found her attractive, and not just in a common, casual there’s-something-attractive-about-every-woman-kind-of-way, but in a want-to-get-her-naked-and-do-something-about-it-kind-of-way. Which was an oddity. She certainly wasn’t his type, but he couldn’t help but react to this gorgeous woman in front of him. She was a sight to behold, and he was doing his damnedest to look. It might not be politically correct, but he wasn’t one to pass up an opportunity like this one. “Everything about you surprises me.”
    “Good?” He hadn’t been expecting her to say that.
    “Yes. If I was so easy to figure out, this would be boring,” she said with a wink before turning and heading down the stairs.
    Tonight was definitely proving to be an eye-opening experience, in more than one way. He followed her toward the car in anticipation of the evening.

Chapter Four

    Tamara considered herself a worldly person. She wasn’t a jaded woman, or someone who was easily shocked by the world around her, but this shit here—this do-si-do stuff—was for the freaking birds.
    With her mouth gawked wide, she stared at the crowded dance floor of the Watering Hole and wondered what in the world her big butt was doing there. The only other person of color that she could see besides Charlotte was a Latino man in the far corner, looking as at home as every plaid-loving man in the room. This was not a dream. This was Hee Haw come to life.
    They’d arrived in this otherworldly place twenty minutes ago, and she was still trying to figure out why there was a list of patrons waiting for a table. Ty had seen someone he did business with and had gone over to say hello. When Tamara wondered aloud at the wait, Russell offered to check with the hostess. Although she loved to people watch, this was better than any airport terminal or amusement park. The people here were a sight to behold.
    Tamara was hard pressed not to break into laughter. No one would ever believe that she and Charlotte had gotten all dolled up to come to a barn raising in the middle of no-man’s-land. Never before had she seen so many rednecks, literally and figuratively, or cowboy hats in one place in her entire life. To her utter surprise, it wasn’t just the men wearing hats; the women wore them too. They also wore jeans tight enough to keep Monistat in business for a decade, as well, but that was really neither here nor there.
    It wasn’t often that Tamara felt out of place, but damn, today was the day. If she hadn’t walked in with two of the buffest, tallest men in the room, she would have booked her black ass out of the room as quickly as possible.
    “Close your mouth, or you’re going to catch flies.” The teasing tone of Charlotte’s voice reeled Tamara back in. With wide eyes, she turned and faced her friend, amazed her former city-living friend seemed at ease here.
    “There are no words,” she finally said when nothing else would come. “This is beyond anything I would have ever imagined. Is this much plaid legal in the state of California?”
    “Apparently.” Charlotte leaned in closer to her and lowered her voice. “And the part that’s going to slay you is, this is what they would consider their good clubbing clothes.”
    “Shut up.”
    “Sorry, girl.” Charlotte laughed. “It’s the gospel truth.”
    “And you live here, knowing this? On purpose?”
    “Well, it’s not like we come in here often,

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