The Beasts' Breeding Dungeon
    They walked along a corridor until they
entered a room that reminded Ava of where victims indentified
criminals. The room was small, clean and cozy, but there was a huge
plate of two-way glass on one side of the room. A horrible
contraption was in Ava’s line of vision and she also thought of the
rooms where prisoners were put to death in front of victim’s family
    Ava heard a loud sound and she saw the beast
from breakfast being brought in by two guards who were restraining
him with rope. The beast roared and howled, fighting and thrashing
against the rope, but he was unsuccessful and the guards brought
him to the nasty contraption, hooking him into the metal.
    “No!” Ava cried. “What are they doing?” She
didn’t like the beast but she certainly didn’t want to see him
    “He broke the rules,” the woman said
    “What rules?”
    “You were an Untouchable.”
    “What do you mean? What are you talking
about? Who the hell are you?” Ava yelled.
    The woman smiled patiently. “I am Jolie. I am
a result of what happens when monsters breed with humans.”
    Ava sucked in her breath. That’s why the
woman looked so strange. She was part human, part something
    “We can’t really live in the real world, so
most of us who have survived work here.” She sighed. “The Overlord
ordered you not be touched. The beast broke that order so he must
be punished.”
    “But I don’t think he meant to break it!” Ava
blurted out.
    Jolie shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. He also
must be killed to help cleanse you.”
    Jolie nodded solemnly.
    “And what do you mean cleanse me?”
    “We need to restore you to your untouched
state. Part of that involves killing the monster who mated with
    Ava felt sick and she turned away so she
wouldn’t see what was happening in front of her. She heard a
deafening roar of excruciating pain and then all was silent. When
she turned back around, the beast was gone. She felt as if she
should cry but she didn’t have the tears or the energy. Jolie stood
and Ava followed.
    This time they entered a room with a large
chair that reminded Ava of something one would find at a
gynecologist’s office. Ava climbed into the chair and placed her
legs on the sides, waiting for Jolie to continue. Jolie placed a
sort of damp towel over Ava’s sex and Ava had the strange sensation
of something being leeched out of her. She suddenly felt herself
tighten and twist and Jolie smiled brightly.
    “All finished!” she exclaimed, helping Ava
down. “The last bit is to erase your memory.”
    “You will have no recollection of mating with
the beast. You will remember him mating with the other women, but
not yourself. All the other women are having their memories altered
also so no one speaks to you about it. You will not remember his
death or why you are here other than to meet The Overlord.”
    At first Ava tried to protest but then she
snapped her jaw shut. She was disgusted that she had mated with the
beast and not having to remember it seemed like a great idea. Jolie
placed a type of cap on Ava’s head and Ava heard a large hum of
electricity. The next thing Ava remembered was following Jolie out
of an empty room.
    “You’re ready now to meet The Overlord.”
    Ava nodded nervously. She wasn’t sure why she
had been brought to this part of the castle to prepare for their
    “He’s looking forward to meeting you,” Jolie
said, and her voice took on a strange tone.
    Ava followed Jolie to a large set of double
doors. Jolie knocked twice before entering. The room was dark yet
sumptuous. Jolie beckoned Ava to a dark grey antique looking sofa
with wooden carvings. Ava sat and watched as Jolie retreated.
    Ava continued to stare about the room, taking
in the dark wood table, the fireplace, the ornate chairs and an
ancient looking desk. She noticed a glowing light in the corner of
the room, and she moved towards it for a closer look.

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