After about an hour of story time the doc began his entrance into the facility.
He entered the first airlock and glanced through the polycarbonate glass doors as the guard gave him the thumbs up along with a gesture with his finger pushing through a hole his thumb and index finger created with the other hand. The Doc laughed and pushed the button to open the second airlock. It opened revealing flickering lights from the emergency lighting system that occasionally illuminated through a complete black opaqueness within. He could smell the foul odor of Azrael inside and he immediately pushed the button to open the outside airlock. Unfortunately, it didn’t respond because the internal door was still open. He quickly pushed the second airlock open/close button but an arm swung in grabbing the doctor and pulled him into the dark atrium inside. He tripped over dismembered bodies that still were moving beneath him and was grabbed by several hands from everywhere. He pissed himself as countless Azrael feasted on his body and infected him with the virus. Several more pushed through the doorway of the airlock. One inadvertently nudged the emergency bypass button releasing the horde of Azrael outside the museum along with depressurizing the entire building. The third airlock was set open as a security measure to release a toxin that would kill all occupants in case of an outbreak. However, maintenance was being done on the valve that released the toxin and it was tagged out as inoperable.
The sudden gush of air along with a mob of Azrael startled the guards who were closest to the doors. The other guards were overwhelmed with multiple alarms blinking and buzzing on the status panels. Failure of proper training had them searching the operational manuals for indications of the alarms. The four armed ex-police officers discharged their weapons into the crowd hoping to stop or slow as many as possible. Unfortunately, there were too many to stop and within seconds all of the security guards were bitten into and added to the herd’s mass. The Alpha pushed through the crowd of fresh Azrael and inhaled a deep breath. It released a terrifying raspy wail that inspired grunts among the Azrael herd. A heavy concentration of noises and human aroma entered the alpha’s senses as he began his sprint towards Soldier Field.
A Taste of Chicago event was being held in the stadium that housed several vendors showcasing the diversity of Chicago’s dining community. The ration cost was expensive but manageable by any working stiff. Over six thousand patrons were inside enjoying the world as it was years ago, forgetting the cruel reality of what lies beyond the gates. The security that maintained the entrances were strongly enforced. Several gun mounted Humvees and army soldiers provided protection bordering the Burnham Harbor that emptied into Lake Michigan just in case of Azrael drifters that get caught in the docks, which happens on occasion. Sometimes an Azrael would fall into the lake and somehow were carried by the current along with aimlessly kicking and swinging their arms.
The Azrael threat was massive and it swarmed around the stadium seeking humans to infect. The only telltale sign the guards received was the aroma of Azrael in the breeze. The herd attacked from all sides of the building pouring around it like water until it found someone to infect. The Humvee’s unloaded their fifty caliber guns into the massive crowd of Azrael tearing into the herd’s mass. A good amount of them were taken care of but the numbers were attacking from several different directions which were too overwhelming and within a few minutes the guards were overrun and eaten. The gunfire alarmed the patrons inside and they all panicked. However, the only way out was the only way in and as the people massed to leave they were met with Azrael shoving in providing a quick infection turnaround. Within thirty