The Azrael: Surviving the Outbreak

Read The Azrael: Surviving the Outbreak for Free Online

Book: Read The Azrael: Surviving the Outbreak for Free Online
Authors: Jesse Gagnon
Tags: Zombies
capable enough to protect their scientists from the Azrael.  He was recruited by Jim Short from a mutual friend who actually interned under him at CoreMed.  She later married Jim’s younger brother and told Jim about the brilliant doctor before they were killed by one of the early herds.  Shortly thereafter, Jim reached out to Dr. Schwinn and offered him a job to work on the virus and guaranteed his safety.  So when the opportunity arose, Dr. Schwinn was compelled to take the offer.
    CoreMed was on W. Gaines St (between FSU and Florida A & M University).  It was a location they used to capitalize in recruiting new graduates that would be eager to work in their field for a cheaper salary.  They kept the big paying jobs for doctors like Dr. Schwinn and Dr. Omomoto whose studies and research have been recognized worldwide.  They were advertised as leaders in their field of studies and were, for the most part.  These great doctors drew in many bright minds to CoreMed and brought them lots of capital developing pharmaceuticals.  Dr. Omomoto, who also was offered a job at BioTech, decided to stay in Florida with his family in hopes that he could escape the United States via his enormous yacht.  Unfortunately, his attempts to reach his family were futile due to an enormous herd of Azrael that ravaged the streets of Tallahassee and were moving towards CoreMed.  If he left when Dr. Schwinn departed then he may have escaped the city with his body and mind intact.  Within minutes of exiting CoreMed he was bitten and turned into the Azrael.  
    As Dr. Schwinn entered the transit station to pick up his ticket and travel claim a large herd of Azrael funneled through the city infecting and eating everything in their way.  The Azrael pack continued to grow and spread throughout Tallahassee.
    Dr. Schwinn boarded the bus that was headed for Tallahassee Regional Airport, where a private jet was fueled and awaiting his arrival.  Things don’t always work out the way they were intended and five minutes into the bus ride a small group of Azrael diverted the bus off of the main road and onto a smaller one.  It was the road leading to the Natural History Museum.  The herd attempted to push the bus as it was moving, but most were caught in the wheel well and were crushed beneath.  They managed to escape the herd and in their haste the bus driver turned too sharply and got stuck in a ditch.    The back wheels where just spinning in the moist mud.  The passengers were fearful of what awaited them outside and argued amongst themselves.  Dr. Schwinn attempted to call the pilot at the airport to tell him of the unfortunate change of events.   He was unable to break through the busy circuits but still continued to try. 
    Simon Killbrook was travelling with two other teammates, James Woodrow and Trent Brooks.  All three massive athletes rose to their feet and began to make their way to the front of the bus.  Simon whispered in the ear of the driver, he nodded and they exited, and walked behind the bus.  The patrons of the bus watched and wondered what the three young men were up to.  Dr. Schwinn, however, knew exactly the sacrifice those brave men risked, and paid close attention to their efforts.
    “We can’t move this bus man.  The wheel is like six inches deep in mud.”  Trent sounded discouraged at the situation while inspecting the gouges in the muddy grass.
    Simon surveyed the surrounding area.  “We need to break apart that sign there, and place it in front of the tires.  But we need to push hard.  Trent grab as much of the gravel in the parking lot over there to lie on top of the sign.”  Simon said.
    “Let’s give it a shot.”  The always optimistic James accepted the challenge.
    The two massive athletes broke the museum sign apart and proceeded to place the wood planks in front of the tires.  Trent layered a shirt full of small rocks over the broken sign in hopes that it would also add with the

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